Herman Lay took the idea and in 1932 created Lay’s potato chip company. Your email address will not be published. He began selling bags of potato chips to consumers so that they could enjoy them from the comfort of home. Soon, more customers requested the new menu item that became known as Saratoga Chips – a house specialty. Vanderbilt, who dominated America's growing transportation business, was the wealthiest man in America in the mid-19th century. Potato Chips were invented in 1853 by a man named George Crum at Moon's Lake House resort in Saratoga, New York State.
A lot of people love potato chips, but not many people know that a black man identified as George Speck invented the side dish. The origin of chips in Europe. He then fried up some thinner slices and sent them out to the customer. George, who was popularly known as George Crum, was born to an Africa American father and a Native American mother, How Africa reports. As with many other fast foods we don’t know for sure who invented potato chips. Required fields are marked *, Who invented the first Transplant Surgery. Whether or not he invented potato chips, his story is worth learning. Facts and History of Potato Chips.
George Crum (born George Speck, 1824–1914) was a renowned African American chef who worked at Moon’s Lake House in Saratoga Springs, New York during the mid-1800s. He called them "potato crunches" at first, but people began referring to them as "Saratoga Chips". In fact, no official accounts ever proved that Crum claimed to have invented the potato chip. Today, chips are packaged in plastic bags and pumped with nitrogen gas to extend the product's shelf life. As with many other fast foods we don’t know for sure who invented potato chips.
A young Herman Lay was lying the foundations of the potato chip empire we know today, driving around selling bags of potato chips out of the trunk of his car. I am not sure who really inveted it as we have been having potato chips produced at home by mother who learnt from her mother for sveral decades but google says the following: The potato chip was invented in 1853 by George Crum. George worked as a trapper and an Adirondack Mountain guide during his early years. In 1932, Herman Lay of Nashville, Tennessee founded Lay’s. Legend or not, it is just one story of how thin, deep fried potatoes came to be. Required fields are marked *. Professionally, George used the name Crum as his father had when he was a jockey. To Crum’s surprise the guest fell in love with the end result.
On the day George incidentally invented the chips, Cornelius Vanderbilt had ordered a plate of French-fried potatoes but had them returned to Crum's kitchen. One day a patron of the lodge ordered the famous French-fried potatoes, but sent them back to the chef. He complained they were too soggy, not cooked well enough, and cut too thick. When Crum opened his own restaurant in 1860, he put a basket of the chips on every table. He developed a technology that allowed seasoning to be added during the cooking process. The world has George Crum’s proud and sarcastic personality to thank for the potato chip. Laura Scudder came to an idea to sell potato chips in wax paper bags that had their ends ironed or stapled together. - Who Invented First, Food Inventions and Who Did Them? Potato Chips Become an American Standard. His was the first successful national brand of potato chips. In 1963, Lay’s Potato Chips left a memorable mark on the country's cultural consciousness when the company hired advertising company Young & Rubicam to come up with the popular trademark slogan "Betcha can’t eat just one.” Soon sales went international with a marketing campaign that featured celebrity actor Bert Lahr in a series of commercials in which he played various historical figures such as George Washington, Ceasar, and Christopher Columbus. William Tappendon manufactured and marketed the chips in Cleveland, Ohio, in 1895. Crum was a Native American/African American chef at the Moon Lake Lodge resort in Saratoga Springs, New York, USA. His clientele included members of many wealthy families. It wasn't until the 1950s though that stores started carrying potato chips in various flavors. His restaurant closed around 1890 and he died in 1914 at the age of 92.