I’m going to answer that question and I’m also going to show you the exact podcast data that’s available. We are in a golden age of audio.

Go check that out and feel free also to share this article with your network who’s aiming to grow and become a better podcaster.

Go check that out if you haven’t launched your podcast yet!

Recent studies from LinkedIn show that 42% of those between the ages of 18-34 listen to podcasts at least once a week.

Uncensored, real conversation about everything in the news, interviews, and a healthy dose of inspiration.

I am a fan of everything she has done in the space, and all that graft has culminated in what I think is her best series to date. So what does Libsyn data looks like?

Find out where the money’s going, who’s got the money, how you can make more of the money and who’s making decisions about the money. Timothy’s skill is in condensing these complex thoughts into, for the most part, short episodes.

Be inspired to think differently about how you work, and how you buy. Global trends suggest that marketers would do well to pay greater attention to the podcast as a medium to promote a brand by engaging consumers on ... How do you know if someone listens to podcasts? The latest news from the cryptoverse - brought to you by Revix. Are you looking to start a podcast and you might not know all the answers? Mostly brains. It’s radio 101 – what’s in it for the listener.

The world needs content like this right now. He sits down with the likes of Nasty C, Rouge, Kelly Khumalo and many more for no-holds-barred-PR-unfriendly conversations about everything. Whether you have absolutely no clue at all about podcasting, Underdog Empowerment will give you a complete A to Z guide that’s called, the. Listening takes places in the car (52%), while traveling by air or public transport (46%), while doing exercise (32%).

A platform for SA youth to showcase their talents, experiences, dreams and aspirations. A lot of fuss has also been made about generational differences in audience. The whole show is on YouTube and breaks the idea that watching people do ‘’radio’’ is boring. This means the total number of different people that have listened to any of your episodes, period. Half the surveyed podcast listeners had a bachelor’s degree or higher and they read a lot of books.

A conversation about masculinity everyone needs to hear - brought to you by Carling Black Label.

Register (it’s quick and free) or sign in now. This podcast series takes you on a journey relevant to everybody, bringing clarity to cancer’s complexity. They say their favourite shows are the ones where they’re part of a conversation about normal stuff. 1. you have a passion for something. If it’s happened in SA podcasting, Jayne Morgan knows about it, or probably did it.

A podcast series about the reality of human trafficking in South Africa. I happen to know all the producers, but I will not benefit financially or otherwise from promoting or recommending them.

The Gareth Cliff Show – Uncensored, real conversation about everything in the news, interviews, and a healthy dose of inspiration. Find it on, Know your strategic targets and prime prospects, Top Brands 2019 winners: Samsung and Koo are SA’s favourites, Brand Hubb’s Chip In is changing how we exchange gifts. Some of them are really slow to catch on – continuing with old-fashioned sponsorships that aren’t doing anything original or interesting and reaching only the laggards who still haven’t caught on that their phone is the gateway to the best content available. That’s the highest praise you can receive as a broadcaster, podcaster or content creator. If you’re getting ready to start a podcast, you can check out this. In this industry, podcast data and podcast analytics are what owners, producers, and hosts should be looking at to know more about their listeners. That’s a question I get asked all the time, and one I love to answer. Lastly, you can also click on “Details” and it gives you some cool stuff to promote with. Reg Lascaris speaks to thought leaders who influence how brands are built and positioned in the market. Next are the “Followers”. I realise that I have just played the role of your T-shirt-wearing friend, recommending podcasts of my own, but these podcasts are really interesting in an SA context and perspective. Get weekly doses of inspiration, motivation and eyebrow-raising information to empower you to feel in charge of your own future success. You can find all the episodes.

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Podcast continue their rapid growth rate. Whether you have absolutely no clue at all about podcasting, Underdog Empowerment will give you a complete A to Z guide that’s called, the Podcast Penthouse Roadmap.