Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans, Queer, Intersex, Asexual, Pansexual and Two-Spirit. Sexual fluidity refers to a person changing their sexuality or sexual identity during their lifetime. Sexual Offences Act (1967) Stonewall (charity) wlw. browser that Contrast with top and bottom. Also known as Gender Identity Disorder, previously known as transexualism or transgenderism.

A person who is sexually or romantically attracted to non-binary people, or those who do not identify as cisgender. A tool developed in 1948 to describe sexual orientation. Sometimes a legal term, used at varying times and in various jurisdictions to mean either anal or oral sex by a man with a man or a woman, or vaginal intercourse by a person with an animal.

First proposed by Democratic lawmakers in 1994, negotiations over ENDA legislation was stalled for more than two decades, until it was eventually withdrawn. See also: Gender marker.

P – Pansexual is sometimes conflated with bisexual, as it is also someone who can be attracted to males and females. These elements affect a person’s experience in society simultaneously, either with privileges or discrimination. The process of a transgender person presenting themselves as their gender identity. A positive stance against discrimination and violence toward LGBT people to promote their self-affirmation, dignity and equality rights.

Bareback aka BB Deadname or to deadname Discrimination or hatred against transgender people. Pride events, marches and parades are held around the year and globally to celebrate this stance. A person who is born with variations in sex characteristics including chromosomes, gonads, sex hormones, or genitals that don’t fit the typical “male” or “female” definitions. what is... Emma Powys Maurice Ally (or allies): Usually a straight and/or non-trans person who supports the LGBTQ+ community. Previously called genital reconstruction surgery, gender-affirming surgery, or more controversially, “sex realignment surgery”, “sex reassignment” or “sex change”. Transphobia For some, this involves medical intervention (such as hormone therapy and surgeries), but not all trans people want - or are able - to have this.

Femme Serodiscordant aka magnetic aka mixed-couple A person or act that defies transitional expectations of their gender or assigned sex. The formula to take the books is simple and it is that of barter or sale to which anyone can contribute by giving or taking in texts loan. A sometimes offensive term to describe a masculine lesbian. T-slur or Tranny Sexual Offences (Amendment) Act (2000) A person of a different sex who is used by a gay person – usually a man – as a fake heterosexual partner to hide their sexuality. Straightwashing A gender neutral pronoun that is an alternative to he and she. See Grindr Tribes. Not to be confused with the Canadian French allosexuel – which means LGBT, or trans or non-heterosexual. The US law that defined marriage for federal purposes as the union of one man and one woman and thus prohibited married same-sex couples from collecting federal benefits – struck down after it was ruled unconstitutional and against the Fifth Amendment in June 2013. The ‘M’, ‘F’ or ‘X’ that shows your gender on identity documents such as passports and driving licences. Coming out

An offensive term for a woman who associates with gay or bisexual men.

Trans-exclusionary radical feminist.

Slang for ‘positive’ meaning someone who has HIV.