Do not lose the opportunity to see 1998 OR2 this year, as it won't come close to our planet again until May 18, 2031. Use the stargazing app Star Walk 2 to locate the asteroid in your sky and to track its movements. Another huge space rock that’s 2 miles wide will pass by Earth in 2024, but that will be a little farther away than next month’s asteroid fly-by. During its near-Earth intersection, the asteroid will be about 0.04920 astronomical units from the planet’s center, which is equivalent to around 4.6 million miles away. That is to say, such objects can make close approaches to Earth and are large enough to cause damage in case of collision. Wed April 29, 2020 . READ NEXT: Greta Thunberg Stickers: Alberta Oil Workers Share Graphic Image, Asteroid to Pass Safely Near Earth in April 2020, NASA Says, Copyright © 2020 Heavy, Inc. All rights reserved. Asteroid (52768) 1998 OR2 is not expected to collide with our planet this year and the next 200 years. That is more than 16 times greater than the distance between the moon and Earth.

Safe Flyby of asteroid (52768) 1998 OR2 – the biggest asteroid due to fly by Earth this year – is coming closest on April 29, 2020. This means that it follows a natural orbit that crosses Earth’s path as it completes its cycle around the Sun. It was closer to our planet than … Although it will pass by Earth a few more times, the next time it’ll fly-by at a close distance will be on April 16, 2079, at which time it will be only 1.1 million miles away from Earth. Professional and amateur astronomers are already excited about the asteroid’s fly-by because even smaller telescopes will be able to observe the space rock.

A newly discovered asteroid zipped safely by Earth on Wednesday. During its visit on April 29, the asteroid will pass close to the star HIP 53416.

On April 29, an asteroid estimated to be 1.2 miles wide will fly by Earth, but it's not on a destructive path. That’s over 16 times the average distance between our planet and the moon.

It will be the biggest asteroid to pass our planet this year. NASA defines 'potentially hazardous' objects as near-earth objects (asteroids or comets) that come within 0.05 astronomical units (19.5 lunar distances) of Earth and have an absolute magnitude of 22 or brighter. Asteroid Flyby. 2020 SW, discovered by @Catalina_sky, is about 15 to 30 ft. wide and will pass by Earth Thurs., Sept. 24, at a distance of about 13,000 miles (22,000 km).Tiny asteroids like 2020 … The next closest flyby is expected only on April 16, 2079, when the space rock will be 1.1 million miles (1.8 million km) away from us. NASA’s asteroid tracking system is currently monitoring a building-sized space rock that’s expected to approach Earth in April. On April 29, 2020, at approximately 09:56 UTC (5:56 a.m. EDT), asteroid (52768) 1998 OR2 will safely pass 3.9 million miles (6.3 million km) away from Earth. According to the data collected by the agency, the asteroid is big The “potentially dangerous” label is applied by NASA to any asteroid whose orbit intersects the Earth’s orbit at a distance less than 0.05 astronomical units (about 4.6 million miles).

It’s traveling through space at 19,461 miles an hour, EarthSky reported. NASA has detected the biggest asteroid that will approach Earth in April, The approaching asteroid is almost as big as the Empire State Building. Identified as 363599 (2004 FG11), this asteroid has an estimated diameter of about 1,248 feet, which makes it almost as big as the Empire State Building. Powered by. Although it’s classified as “potentially dangerous,” it has absolutely no chance of colliding with Earth or even affecting our planet in any way. On April 29, 2020, at approximately 09:56 UTC (5:56 a.m. EDT), asteroid (52768) 1998 OR2 will safely pass 3.9 million miles (6.3 million km) away from Earth.

A huge asteroid is set to safely pass close to Earth in April 2020. This space rock is probably at least a mile wide (1.8 km) and maybe 2 1/2 times that big (4.1 km). According to CNEOS, 363599 (2004 FG11) is expected to cross Earth’s path on April 11 at 1:00 pm EDT. It will be free and accessible to all. Even given its relatively close proximity to Earth on April 29, asteroid 1998 OR2 won't be bright enough to be visible to the naked eye. 363599 (2004 FG11) is officially classified as an Apollo asteroid. NASA Asteroid Tracker: 2 NEOs Currently Headed For Earth, 4 Asteroids To Fly Past Earth This Weekend, NASA Reveals, US Treasury Says Loan Deal Reached With Seven Airlines Amid Crisis, NYC Schools In Danger Of Closing As Coronavirus Infections Spike, JPMorgan Chase Fined $920 Mn By US Over Market Manipulation, Former Pence Adviser 'Appalled' At White House Pressure On CDC, Coronavirus 'Third Wave' To Hit US This Fall, Experts Suggest. In terms of asteroid 1998 OR2, which will pass by Earth in the next month, it’s not set to fly by our planet again until May 18, 2031. Due to its massive size and Earth-crossing orbit, 363599 (2004 FG11) has been labeled by NASA as a potentially hazardous asteroid.

A large asteroid is set to pass near Earth in April 2020, but there’s no risk that it will hit our planet. A large asteroid is set to pass near Earth in April 2020, but there’s no risk that it will hit our planet. According to CNEOS, the asteroid is moving across space and traveling towards Earth at an incredible speed of almost 55,000 miles per hour.