Timmy Thomas, "Why Can't We Live Together". He loves her, and she’s really taken advantage of that. He’s really the painter here, saying, go a little to the left, to the right. Submit album. Many workers have been furloughed since April. We may earn commission from the links on this page. "School" is from Supertramp's 1974 album Crime of the Century. What is the song in Season 3 where all the people at party are dancing. Cigarettes After Sex, "Keep on Loving You". "Disco Inferno" also appears on the soundtrack for Saturday Night Fever, which like Big Little Lies also features [SPOILER ALERT] someone falling to their death. How big is this Perry video archive, anyway? Healthy-ish, that is; Celeste isn't 100 percent honest, and after Jane leaves she Ambien-and-alchohols her way into a one-night stand with the bartender. Jane dances around on the beach while listening to this song.

Some were super popular, some were not. It's heartwarming as "I'll Be Around" soundtracks the main characters' huggy reunion— but things take a turn for the sinister as other parents start to stare at them in silent judgment. He’s singing this beautiful song that he’s worked on so hard to sing, and it’s stunning, and all of the performances are stunning.

The haunting cover of Neil Young's 1992 song plays as Celeste remembers her happier memories of Perry, seemingly struggling to reconcile them with her knowledge that he was an abusive monster. It kind of feels like filler...and as have all of the many season one flashbacks. This was Nicole Kidman's episode, to be sure—her work as Celeste sorting through her own choices in real time, while interrogated by Denis O'Hare's piranha lawyer, was astounding.

I’ve done it a lot, and it’s a really fun casting process. Chloe plays the piano; the funeral; the children playing on the beach as the moms look on; flashback of what happened that night with Perry. Song previews courtesy of Apple Music, iTunes and Spotify. This cover of Nirvana's final song off 1993's In Utero comes from Sinead O'Connor's fourth album, Universal Mother. Remember Trivia Night in the Big Little Lies finale? Spoilers ahead for the finale of Big Little Lies.. And by the way—how did the bully know about Perry and Jane? And does anyone else get the feeling we, or maybe even Mary Louise, will eventually see a clip that betrays his sadistic side? Song previews courtesy of Apple Music, iTunes and Spotify. A lifelong musician, Cotten retired from playing professionally for 25 years to raise a family. It was a sort-of-satisfying end to a wildly uneven season—but hey, at least the music was always great. The slow-burn song is from 2013's Victim of Love, recorded with the Menahan Street Band, an ensemble that includes members of the late Sharon Jones' Dap-Kings.