Notify me of follow-up comments by email. You must log in or register to reply here. I held my corn back (scratch) from feeding mine until they were 4 months old. Announcements, Feedback, Issues, & Guides. There are plenty of other foods that have these in them, such as grapes and berries, and don’t provide the drawbacks that are inherent with most popcorn. My LO (little one) has managed them fine, he is 10 months and I have been giving them for the last couple of months or so. If you feed them corn they will not eat enough of the balanced commercial diet.....Pop, I agree. But they go nuts over the corn, raw or cooked, I give them. Some people don't worry about i. If you feed them goodies, that lowers the protein content. We are asking our website visitors to consent to the use of cookies by HealthTap to continue to our website. I would recommend cutting it off the cob for them. When can I start feeding my baby oatmeal cereal, What age can I feed baby teething biscuits, Why my baby makes smacking lip sound when bottle feeding. Humans have adapted to eating sugary, starchy foods that provide a lot of energy to fuel our giant brains.

The choking hazard for popcorn extends to adults as well. Chick starter has all the nutrients needed. Plus, their teeth will be easier to clean that way.

Any good popcorn is going to have a large amount of butter and salt added to it for flavor.

:) Just my opinion.

And since most of us are probably not eating that kind of popcorn, it’s probably not the kind that we’re considering for baby. Once They’re a Kid Feeding your baby in an awkward position will only compound the aches and pains most new mothers feel.

Sometimes I go to. “People just don’t sell it,” says Simpson Wong, chef at Chomp Chomp in New York. Since you will spend, perhaps the most time wi ... Should you give prebiotics and probiotics to formul- fed babies? Starch can cause drowsiness and lead to lethargy. How long should babies feed for before supplementing? JavaScript is disabled. Corn kernals should not be given until the choking hazard is over, usually after the age of 2. LO (little one) just shoved a handful in before.. There is nothing special about corn. No, cornflakes in texture are sharp and will be uncomfortable for babies to eat dry. It’s tough to swallow, and most brands are packed with preservatives, fats, hydrogenated oils, and tons of salt. However, corn kernels with skins are a choking hazard, and should be reserved until later, usually 15 mo or so, when chewing and swallowing are better coordinated. I have used regular grit and smashed it finer. Dr. Michael Amster answered. People on a diet should avoid consumption of corn. When your baby turns 2 years old, you can start giving him/her creamed corn. Before eating anything, you must be asking your mind, exploring the internet and consulting your doctor to keep your baby safe.

You might want to think twice about eating microwave popcorn yourself, let alone giving it to your baby. Sponsored Content, Contests, and Giveaways. It is still kind of fun because when you cut it, large chunks of it stay together and they can pick them up and eat them, but its safer than risking them choking when it is on the cob. They are 2 weeks old.

There is nothing special about corn. Overzealous eating of corn can surely lead to weight gain. These are the side effects of eating corn.

That’s the way to make it healthy, but it doesn’t address the choking concern. Is it safe to eat corn during pregnancy? corn can be given as a normal solid with the other solids at 8-9 months when table foods are being introduced. That way you avoid all of the bad things that popcorn can bring with it, and you can give your child a wholesome snack that isn’t loaded with “butter flavored” topping and industrial-grade salt. NPR did a great write up on watching your baby’s sodium levels.

That said, corn is a vegetable that would need to be mashed up to be given to a smaller infant, so it's not the best first food for a baby, but 6 months old should be a fine age to introduce it.


Ensure your baby chews them properly.