Becoming an independent nation of four million souls surrounds us with one nation ten-times our size (the rest of Canada, now angry at our departure) and the other a hundred-times our size (the United States, now self-sufficient in oil and protectionist). I hope and pray your answer is yes, but am prepared to act if you are not. In both cases, recall could have been a handy accountability tool for voters, who should be the ones making these decisions. On masks, we’ve heard it all. History shows us how large nations typically treat much smaller ones, and it is not pretty. [2], The first recall law came as a provision of No confidence motion over Sarpanch by Gram Sabha members in Uttar Pradesh in 1947. No one but the health officials know. While Doug Ford bloviates and threatens, and Justin Trudeau administers the next dose of the globalist agenda, ratings agencies like Fitch and Moody’s quietly consider the ominous implications of Canada’s ongoing hari-kari. A 25 per cent threshold would be a good starting point for Alberta’s recall rules to balance political stability with accountability, and is what the Canadian Taxpayers Federation recommended in our presentation to the Alberta government’s Democratic Accountability Committee. If, for example, Albertans pushed for a referendum to abolish the No More Pipelines Act, that would at least put the issue on the national stage more than a simple opinion poll.

As I see it, Albertans have three options: one, remain in confederation; two, become an independent nation; or three, become Americans. But when put to the test, when forced to choose between Canada and the calculated destruction of Alberta, the needs of Albertans must be your highest priority. No, they are like a super power – you are safe if you wear them. Third, freedom to leave the United States at a later date. A recent Alberta poll showed the NDP tied for support with your UCP at 38 per cent, and the remaining 24 per cent broken into a variety of smaller parties, several of them sovereigntist. Albertans need recall now, and politicians can always tinker with the requirements down the road to make improvements. Canadians are living in a state of medical authoritarianism where the rule of law is in tatters, and constitutionalism and democracy with it. It’s time for Kenney to make good on his promise and pass recall legislation during the upcoming fall legislative session.”. First, instant US citizenship to every Albertan and the freedom to travel, work and trade anywhere in that great nation. No, you have to wear them and socially distance. This must to stop.
First, we must hold a referendum on independence. There has never been a similar six-month period in the history of Canada like the period from April to September 2020. Why is that? This gives us all the freedoms and benefits described above, but US territorial status does have one important price: no political representation in Congress.

And, of course on masks. It appears from this poll that your unification of the right is unravelling, with some Albertans now turning to independence, and some to socialism. If you do this, I predict that your base will return – their confidence in you restored – and the nightmarish possibility of another NDP Alberta reign of error banished to the realm of socialist dreams. CAMERON: Canada has embraced medical authoritarianism. Under the Recall of MPs Act 2015 (“the Act”), when one of the three conditions for a recall condition is met, there is a statutory duty placed on the “Petition Officer” to make arrangements for a recall petition to be opened in their constituency. Being a territory or protectorate of the United States is not the same as being a state. There are several examples where recall could have been used by Alberta voters. As a US territory, we even have the freedom to return to Canadian confederation, should Albertans decide to forgive Ottawa and Quebec for their swindles of the past 115 years.
You’re moving too slowly, sir. The debate was centered on the belief that the Right to Recall must accompany the Right to Elect and the voters must be provided with a remedy 'if things go wrong'. Join us today by becoming a member, get access to all our content and help us increase our coverage.