Remember, if you tell someone you are, 14. See all integrations. You just have to start the letter with the inquiry and make it as short as possible. hbspt.cta._relativeUrls=true;hbspt.cta.load(53, 'dad1fbc0-d801-4918-90c6-a163306bde24', {}); Originally published Nov 19, 2018 6:15:00 PM, updated November 19 2018, Write Better Sales Emails with These Copywriting Hacks from Calendly's Senior Content Marketer, Email Open Rates By Industry (& Other Top Email Benchmarks), The Ridiculously Successful Way to Introduce Yourself Over Email, "I hope you're having an A+ [week, month]. ), 1371 Beacon Street, Suite 301, Brookline, MA, 02446, Preply uses cookies according to the settings of your browser. Continue reading, Discover the best online memorial sites for remembering a loved one... Have you ever been at a loss for words? Writing an important email? If you're reaching out to someone you know fairly well and/or works in a fairly informal industry, take this opener for a spin. “I hope you are having a productive day.”, 8. When your champion does something impressive, start your next email by telling them how much you admired their handling of the situation. For instance, if they just tweeted about Game of Thrones, you might write, "Are you excited for the next GoT episode? Asking your family members this broad question allows them to respond with information about their health, their work, and more. •I was just emailing to request some assistance.

Both the recipient and the email writer know it's a nicety thrown in before the real point of the email. Maybe I should say "I hope you are doing well"? Honor a loved one even if you can't be there with a virtual funeral... Do you have a particular term of endearment for your family member? Although this sentiment is basically the same as "I hope you're well," it's unexpected -- which makes it feel more authentic. Continue reading. Stay safe while still coming together to support one another and honor your loved one. Wishing someone well is different than doing something to help the person.

In fact, the phrase has become so standard that it competes with “I’m sorry for your loss” as one of the most-used phrases. This link will open in a new window. Be a helper. We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish, and check out our cookie policy for more information. If you're reaching out to a prospect for the first time and aren't certain of the right tone to strike, you can't go wrong with this opening line.

Admit to this, but at the same time, send a wish that you hope that they are managing the stress appropriately. ", "How are you holding up in the [summer heat, winter cold, this weather]?
Too many exclamation marks looks unprofessional.
After all, a business contact probably isn’t going to tell you that his grandma’s in the hospital or that he has been suffering from allergies lately.

Depending on how familiar you are with the buyer -- and how information they include on their social media -- you can either make this question personal or professional. Did they make a great point in your pitch? And like small talk, this phrase can get a little repetitive if you find yourself relying on it too often. ", "I wanted to start by telling you how impressed I was with [insert recent interaction]. Starting each one, “I hope this finds you well” sounds a little repetitive. This message would be appropriate for anyone who’s going through troubling times. Don’t compare our hurt to someone else’s; your friend may feel better knowing that you have that connection. “I hope you are having a productive day.” If you feel that asking about the recipient’s health is a little too personal, you may want to avoid asking about it altogether. Those details are important. If you want to start the relationship on a high note, find something notable your prospect recently produced, contributed to, or did and compliment them on it. Follow up this sentiment with specific suggestions on how you may make life easier for the person receiving the message.