Hello highlight.js! You can now update the access tier of multiple Blobs at once. In every release, we try to onboard a few settings to enable fine turning Storage Explorer. Dec 19, 2019.

AzCopy concurrency and memory buffer size - by default AzCopy will analyze your machine to determine reasonable default values for these settings.
AzCopy can now properly delete stub files with metadata. Storage Explorer is now using Electron 8.2.4. Support for moving files and folders within an ADLS Gen2 Blob container has been added.

released this

New for 1.11.1: There is now a setting to enable a new authentication library, the Microsoft Authentication Library (MSAL).

This has been fixed.

Fixed a variety of localization related issues. About the Azure Storage Explorer, as it is a standalone app and our forum focus on Office 365 for Business online services, we suggest you post in the Microsoft Azure forum which is a specific support channel for handling Azure Storage Explorer related issues. My old cat died and I don't know how to deal with it. QGIS same print layout for multiple features of a layer? Numeric settings are not checked for whether they lie in a valid range. You can now configure what file extensions Storage Explorer considers safe when opening a file. Messages with no time to live may cause issues when working with the .NET Storage Emulator or Azure Stack. released this When uploading Blobs, you can now specify what access tier you would like to upload your Blobs to, either Hot or Cool. To view the utilization and availability of your storage accounts across all of your subscriptions, perform the following steps.

If you are enrolled in the ADLS Gen2 snapshots preview, you can enable ADLS Gen2 snapshot features by going to Settings → Services → Storage Accounts -> Enable ADLS Gen2 snapshots (preview). In 1.14, Storage Explorer wouldn't start if it was opened from a symlink on Windows. For more details, continue reading below. In the table explorer, when editing a query, shortcut keys would sometimes trigger actions in the table view. You can find the MSAL setting under "Application" → "Sign-in" → "Microsoft Authentication Library (Preview)". This has been fixed. Welcome to version 1.11.1 of Microsoft Azure Storage Explorer. Table statistics failed when viewing a partition key query. Was working last week before I did a windows update and storage explorer update. This has been fixed. When a blob container is opened or refreshed, the request path is /devstoreaccount1/palecblobcontainer?restype=container&comp=list&maxresults=1000&delimiter=%2F.

The default option has been restored to 7 days.

Nov 23, 2019. To configure this, go to Settings → Transfers → Table Import/Export → Export Type Annotations. Users should use the. A full list can be found, Fixed localization bugs. New for 1.11.1: In 1.11.0, access policies for ADLS Gen 2 containers were not being properly set. Welcome to Storage Explorer version 1.14.0. jinglouMSFT The previous logic which attempted to auto detect if the message is UTF-8 or Base64 has been restored. Conflict resolutions - you will be prompted during transfers to resolve conflicts. This release contains a significant number of new features, including no longer requiring administrator permissions when installing on Windows, and an assortment of bug fixes. The integrated AzCopy version is now 10.5.0. In cluster analysis, how does Gaussian mixture model differ from K Means when we know the clusters are spherical?

This library includes support for more robust multi-factor authentication, conditional access policies, and single sign on with Visual Studio 2019.

You can switch to a language of your choice on the settings page under "Application" → "Regional Settings" → "Language (Preview)". For more details on the changes, continue reading below. Do jets have a better glide ratio than propellers in general? You can now use HTTPS when connecting to an emulator.

You can find these settings under the "Services" section. Fully managed intelligent database services. More specifically, the following operations are done using AzCopy: Additionally, several frequently requested features have been added to the integrated AzCopy experience: The integrated AzCopy has been updated to v10.3.2. When I list the blobs using the REST API, I get them all. When attaching via SAS, AzCopy features are now able to work with a wider variety of SAS permissions.

When uploading from Windows to Azure Files or downloading from Azure Files to Windows, the SMB access control list will not be preserved. When listing a folder containing a subfolder having empty name, the API does not list the empty-named folder and displays its first blob instead.

jinglouMSFT Fixed accessibility bugs. What's the best way to stow (winter storage) an all-carbon bike? How to make it list all of them? To work with the blobs in an empty-named folder using Storage Explorer, rename them back and forth. Gain easy access to manage your virtual machine disks. In 1.14, when viewing a queue message, Storage Explorer changed to always assume that messages were Base64 encoded. On macOS, if you made Storage Explorer full screen and then did something that opened a dialog, the main Storage Explorer window would become unusable.