Eventually, the courts complied. The book is preaching to the choir. 1) initial identification of a some serious threat (usually overblow). In “Still the Best Hope: Why the World Needs American Values to Triumph,” Mr. Prager argues that three incompatible value systems are competing in the world… Dennis advocates acting happy even when you don't feel like it.

therefore God and religious beliefs are nonsense and frequently dangerous.

The greater the Left's influence the .... more widespread and radical the changes will be. Once they win they can go about implementing "change" which just means moving the country leftward. people without a strong, let alone any, national or religious identity will often seek to undermine the national and religious identity of others, especially those who affirm an identity they have abandoned.
that he (Dennis) was "salivating" at the thought of bloodshed.

the avoidance of pain runs deep on the left. between the 9th and 13th centuries because of the ascendance of what is known as the Ash'arite school of Muslim theology; brought forth the idea that reason is not applicable to the moral realm (as well as the scientific realm), the state and ultimately the world will be governed by Islam.

Oops—it’s past time for NextDay delivery by tomorrow. I found the section on Islam to be at once a respectful and forthright examination of the shortcomings of Islam and a call for it to rise above them. what are the costs?
tax and spend. What are some of the offshoots of Leftism? this denial of reason and causality and the ensuing neglect of the study of other cultures and religions "is the key to unlocking such puzzles as why the Arab world stands near the bottom of every measure of human development; [and] why scientific inquiry is nearly moribund in the Islamic world ...". How many people died during the Inquisition and when did it take place? Goodness, Justice, et al are what they are not because of some arbitrary divine dictate, but because they are rooted in God's nature, in God who IS Goodness, Justice, et al. it fills the void left by the decline of Christianity. (5) Prager says that good and evil are "polar opposites". If you want an incisive dissection of the essence of leftism/American liberalism that is both pithy and comprehensive, do not hesitate to procure this book. also rejection of sad facts, ex: ppl are basically good.

What is a final reason people on the Left stay on the Left? the left understand this very well. Unfortunately, he often succumbs to the same kind of exaggerations and inconsistencies that he attacks. Conservative radio host and syndicated columnist Prager provides a bold, sweeping look at the future of civilization with "Still the Best Hope," and offers a strong, cogent argument for why basic American values must triumph in a dangerously uncertain world.

the well-educated, students in students in high schools and universities and to the most highly educated middle-class strata. another aspect of the centrality of emotion and feelings is the ache to be loved. However, in classic Christian (i.e. since God does not exist, free will does not exist either and all of our behavior is built-in by nature and we really don't have the freedom to choose right from wrong. For more than 50 years, the Conservative Book Club has guided book lovers to the best conservative books and authors of our times. "Can we decide to be satisfied with what we have?"

How many ppl did Dr. Helen Caldicott claim died from Chernobyl? Conservative radio host and syndicated columnist Prager provides a bold, sweeping look at the future of civilization with "Still the Best Hope," and offers a strong, cogent argument for why basic American values must triumph in a dangerously uncertain world.Publishers Weekly,The culture wars rage on in this vigorous right-wing polemic. On what page is the best quote for explaining the differences between religious society and secular society? "the purpose of a college education is to question your father's values". Once their opponents are sufficient demonized and they convince the electorate they are are morally superior to their opponents, they can win.

What is a key element of Leftwing positions?