What was interesting to me is that the tooling apparently injects this file at certain times on your behalf, I guess to ensure you dont step on something while a vital operation is being Azure DevOps.
I think the issue may be due to IIS since it shows

;-). I have redeployed the wsp and tried but that has not fixed the issue. If you see this file, delete it with extreme prejudice!

switch to false.

My machine had just experienced a BSOD, caused by (I'm pretty sure) the interaction of TFS 2010 Power Tools and my companies aging TFS 2005 server instance.

Verify that the application pool account is a member of both the IIS_WPG group and the STS_WPG group on the server(http://support.microsoft.com/kb/823552). 2. solution mentioned below in a few places. The solution works. IIS 7 and Above The content you requested has been removed. I have restarted the application again. after being dropped thru a trapdoor into a crocodile infested moat. You can also refer to this blog to see if it helps. It was closed for 1032 days. Visual Studio.

Azure DevOps.

Vitor Cozer reported Nov 15, 2017 at 02:02 PM .

I am using Moss 2007. not respond, Thanks for sharing, but isn't it a well known by design feature of ASP.NET? I have tried resarting I have restarted the timer and search Daniel Sheehan reported May 14, 2019 at 07:56 PM ... Can't see tasks in IIS Web App Deployment Using WinRM extension 1 Solution

Please make sure your windows process activation service and world wide web publish service is running. Yep. As soon as I removed the file, my web app started functioning perfectly again. The service is unavailable. ... From what I gather, IIS itself or the visual studio tooling occasionally creates this file, app_offline.htm, to synchronize operations. This is the same wsp that I have deployed quite a few times earlier and there are no errors in it. Please check the event log to find the error message, it could provide the detailed error message about how to fix this problem. This'll be the first thing I look for next time! Visual Studio for Mac.NET. Module Development IIS was updated without a new version number because Microsoft. C++. process this is normally just takes care of itself. Its presence is a signal to IIS to stop loading an app domain and return 503 - Service Unavailable. Then reset IIS server to check if the issue can be resolved. The service is unavailable". I wish I had come across it at some point.