Standard internet traffic routing wasn't intended for low-latency gaming, like playing Continent of the Ninth Seal with optimized ping times. Private Servery, také volal Continent of the Ninth Priv Server nebo Continent of the Ninth PServer, je hra nebo mmorpg server řízen jednou osobou nebo nekomerční organizace. Look for a powerful router that is fit for your gaming needs. Then for just a couple of seconds, you suddenly appear in front of the enemy and… BAM! "supposed" newer client files from c9-gracia, keep an eye on it. These sudden spikes in ping may throw off your game, causing you to miss that game-winning moment in games like Continent of the Ninth Seal. 12/30/2013 - Rappelz Private Server - 6 Replies. One of my fondest mmo memories was in this game. Does anybody know if there are any private servers around?

**They are looking for donation, prepay a host for couple months. It is the variation in latency, and it's a problem because it makes the experience unpredictable. wtfast can lower your ping by reducing the number of hops it takes to get to your gaming server. So, you can fix your jitter by lowering your latency and more. With such a powerful utility, we encourage our users to experiment with different connection routes to find the path that’s best for them and their favorite game. So I've been looking into many private cheats and the makers don't seem to be responding. Does anybody know if there are any private servers around? About This Game. You may want to try reinstalling your game, along with any external gaming launcher (like Steam), to see if your problem is fixed. Our friends at ASUS offer dedicated gaming routers with wtfast built-in, giving you peace of mind for gaming without headache. wtfast is the world’s leading ping enhancer software, that gives you a much smoother and optimizeder gaming experience. that if you guys want the game to be alive and have many players. Use this control to limit the display of threads to those newer than the specified time frame. This way, your router can handle all the complexity of finding the best route across the thousands and thousands of potential different connection routes available in wtfast. Our optimization services will provide you with a more reliable and responsive connection which can help you reduce jitter and improve your network stability. Simply put, whenever a gamer connects to an online game, a reduced ping becomes a gamer’s best friend.

Jitter (or more accurately, latency fluctuation/flux), shows itself during games like Continent of the Ninth Seal through choppy gameplay. A ping spike is what happens when your lag jumps suddenly, like when you go from a stable 10ms ping time to an unstable 300ms response.