The proof was in the taste! wtf?! I love this. And then tempers flared. 7 years ago. It didn't have the chips. Then I found out that my little sister had it every freaking day of her life after I left, or Fruit Loops or unfair. Usually, an adult figure would step in, and he or she would state what we all assume: “Hey, cookies aren’t for breakfast!” However, by the end of the commercial, Chip the Dog, the kids, the parents, and the audience at home would be cookies-for-breakfast believers. Snowboarding and Skiing. and what's up with them not letting the trix rabbit have any of HIS own cereal?!
Introduced in 1977, the first Cookie Crisp mascot, Cookie Jarvis, was a wizard in the Merlin mold, who with one wave of his wand, magically turned cookie jars into cereal bowls, usually chanting rhyming incantations along with it. Why can't Cookie Crisp keep one single mascot? what is wrong with the world? Do you remember when they had the original Cookie Crisp & then they had a vanilla wafer version?

He was like a wizard or sorcerer. Those colorful boxes boast some spectacular monikers that are likely to win over your cereal-obsessed heart and even your four-legged buddy.

And that’s maybe how it always should have been. 3. The original logo for Cookie Crisp, used from 1977 until 1987. Most of you may not really care, but I think it’s worth noting that this is just the latest in an actually significant list of mascots for Cookie Crisp cereal.

one day an ad comes on and instead of this dog, a purple wolf shows up! Chip would howl the cereal's name ("Coo-oooooooooookie Crisp!") He had the pointy hat with the stars on it, the purplish cape (I believe it to had stars on it), and the magic wand. then he tries to be nice by introducing a new piece of cardboard, i mean "marshmallow" every now and then and that dosen't help at all! In the 80s, the company used Cookie Cop and Cookie Crook in their kid-friendly commercials, and the cops and robbers effect was a hit for the label. As you select your dog’s cereal inspired name, think about their appearance first. I just saw a new commercial for my former favorite cereal of all time, Cookie Crisp.
Another camper joked the howl sounded likethe Cookie Crisp mascot, “y’know the wolf on the commercials” said Brian. He had the pointy hat with the stars on it, the purplish cape (I believe it to had stars on it), and the magic wand. The ads usually ended with Cop catching Crook and Chip; Cookie Cop would then explain that this cereal was part of your balanced breakfast. I'm Cookie Jarvis with good news for you! lol. Featured Famous Dog with a Cereal Inspired Name, After General Mills’ Reese’s Puffs cereal, For Post’s Shredded Wheat: The Original Big Biscuit, For Quaker Oats’ Peanut Butter Cap’n Crunch, A play on “Rice,” for Kellogg’s Rice Krispies cereal, For General Mills’ Cinnamon Toast Crunch cereal, In honor of Tony the Tiger of Frosted Flakes, After Quaker Oats’ Cap’n Crunch with Crunch Berries, In honor of Chef Wendell, the Cinnamon Toast Crunch man, A play on “Christy,” for Kellogg’s Rice Krispies cereal, After Kellogg’s Rice Krispies Treats cereal, It’s short for Samantha, but in honor of Toucan Sam, After the generic cereal brand, Fruit Rings, After the generic cereal brand, Cinnamon Swirls, Short for “marshmallows” in some breakfast cereals. How many of us grew up watching Saturday morning cartoons and awaiting the latest cereal commercials as we munched on bowls of our favorite crunchy breakfast treats? I was a dog named Chip. When Ralston Purina’s Cookie Crisp cereal came on the scene in the late 1970s, the mascot was actually a wizard. You can sign in to vote the answer. Chip quickly became known as the dog that would howl the name of the morning treat: “Coo-ooooooookie Crisp!”.

(1990s) Officer Krum, the Cookie Crisp Crook and Chip, the Cookie Hound. Cookie Crisp!