No need to worry about an exact dimension. Notes are a useful addition to your Business Page content.

How much text should my ad image have? source. If you want to get super specific and plan for the various croppings, feel free to right-click and download this handy dandy template I made. You aren’t locked into a specific size or shape. Video ratio: 9:16 to 16:9 Facebook strictly enforces this & may immediately deny your ad or stop it once it's been reviewed. Sometimes. Although they haven’t discarded it completely, Facebook has changed their 20% rule which stated that the text on an ad image shouldn’t make up more than 20% of the image. The minimum allowed image dimension for a link share is 200 x 200 pixels. So it looks bad. For all video ad types, Facebook recommends uploading the “highest resolution source video available without letter or pillar boxing.” Facebook provides an exhaustive list of aspect ratios and features available for each ad type. On mobile, near the top, directly below your brief “About” section. For your frame to be uploaded, artwork must: Have a transparent background.

Size and adjust your art, click Next Create a name, choose location availability and schedule, click Next The default will be your cover photo. Here’s Why. Try 400 pixels square, which works well across all social platforms. If you wish to make graphics, a good guideline is 9:16 aspect ratio. Does no-one read Kurt Vonnegut or George Orwell or Jacob Nielsen any more on effective copywriting? Does your Facebook profile picture look ? Recommended size with link: 1,080 by 1,080 pixels Sizes; Social media; Facebook; px. Facebook Page link image dimension and aspect ratio. Thanks. If you’re ready to create a Facebook cover photo, Snappa’s powerful and easy-to-use graphics builder has made this process incredibly simple. They display at a size of 820px by 312px. I want the Note to show a cover photo of him, before telling his story. They’re linked in the cover photo section of this article. Facebook sizes. And the profile picture is now round, which I haven’t seen one other site portray correctly. The optimal size for a Facebook cover photo is 828 x 465 pixels. Her straightforward writing style empowers small business owners to make their own graphics for social media success!

But all carousel formats use similar image and video specs.

Maximum image file size: 30MB Really learn much about the topic and its solve my problem for Facebook and Instagram too! This one is a little tricky to get just right. Tony is a freelance journalist and content marketing consultant. In addition, you can choose to post horizontal or vertical images. Hey Louise, I have an odd question.

His awesome new Facebook Image Sizes and Dimensions Cheat Sheet (shown below) is spot on! As a user when you just post something on a page, what determines whether it falls under being Brand Awareness at 1200×628 or a Post at 1200×900? You can show off three images in a single ad on Facebook Stories with Expandable Carousel. The most recent updates include the addition of live videos and catalogs, along with the changes in the image dimensions and aspect ratios of various ads. You can then re-arrange your tabs to make Notes more visible on your Page tabs. Thanks for the 2020 update! Next, choose a premade Facebook Cover template (which is fully customizable), or create a cover photo from scratch. Minimum number of cards: 2 This just means that Facebook prioritizes images with less text. You can add as many photos into your actual post as you’d like. Minimum is 600 x 314, so anywhere in between is fine. Dustin recommends going full size at 2048 x 2048 pixels. This is super cool! Many and varied croppings. Recommended: 600 by 600 pixels Keep in mind that animated formats such as .GIF aren’t supported and files should be saved in RGB mode. Dear Louise, I am sorry for my last post : I realized I haven’t updated Facebook and that is why the preview was shrinked :/ Thank you so much for your help ! Read this post about ways to post Facebook links. Want something simpler? From introducing new ad formats to constantly updating the dimensions and specs of existing images and videos, Facebook likes to keep digital marketers on our toes—and with good reason. See these blog posts for cover photo dimensions that are optimized for both desktop and mobile. You may need to download version 2.0 now from the Chrome Web Store. Thank you for your help, I did manage to create my Facebook cover photo size of 820 pixels by 360 pixels (and keeping critical elements within safe zones will ensure that nothing important gets cut off on either mobile devices or desktop). Facebook no longer rejects ad images on the basis of the text they contain. I found 880 x 445.

Video file size: 4GB max

Whenever I use the facebook recommendation height it just crops out each image? Oh my goodness, this is super helpful.

MR. How do I know who has what device. But, oh well, we just have to do what works! But definitely test it to make sure it pops! I really like how did you answer every one comment, nice to see a dedicated person! Remember that right column ads are a desktop-only format, but that they “may appear in other areas of the site” too.