Our dashboard also displays Spam in relation to the overall number of delivered emails.

Below is a list of the most important email marketing metrics you should track and pay attention to when doing your email campaign analysis.

Select the most relevant campaigns that you want to compare in your email marketing dashboard. document.addEventListener( 'wpcf7mailsent', function( event ) { if (event.detail.contactFormId != 5965) return; __gaTracker('send', 'event', 'Request demo page form', 'Send', window.location.href); hide_form('wpcf7-5965', 'Hold on tight. VKontakte customers’ lifetime value (CLV) and their likelihood to purchase again. The marketing automation side of their platform provides dashboard analytics through its reports tab, which includes web, social, and email stats, campaign visualization, and lead tracking. Set it up and you won’t spend your time collecting and making sense of data. Your Email Marketing Dashboard Is Just the Beginning! Xero Email Marketing Dashboard Sample Template. Get to know your audience and find new ways to market to them. Opens, clicks and the forward or share rate are the backbone of Engagement, but depending on your own objectives, your KPI formula may differ and different actions may hold distinct importance or weight. This isn’t your average dashboard.

A more detailed ActiveCampaign guide can be found here. For many in the design sector, pitching through a webcam is likely to be a trend that’ll be sticking around. Mailchimp’s personalization tools give you the keys to unlock valuable customer insights and use them to send the right message at the right moment. Your contact data is one of the most important tools you have as a marketer, and when you store it in Mailchimp, your audience dashboard will help you understand it holistically. Note: Different email marketing service providers may have their own ways of calculating these metrics.

Bianca Valle explains how she became a holistic nutritionist, painter, photographer, zine-maker and artist running a phone-based nutrition hotline.

Get personalized recommendations to help you make your next move. Create a free website that comes with built-in marketing tools. Ok, this time we are releasing not 1 but 7 integrations in one go! First, you send a request to SendGrid to send emails, then it delivers them to the accessible contacts. Managing multiple campaigns and lists is a challenging job. Find out where your newest contacts came from. No matter whose dashboard we are looking at though, it’s vital to ensure that the most important information is easily gleaned. If the number is too low, make sure. Collaborate on campaigns, manage multiple brands, and get insider tips from other agencies. So, let’s jump in with our top KPIs and charts for an optimized Email Marketing dashboard: It’s likely that you may already be consulting some basic email marketing metrics on a regular basis as you manage your campaigns.