If it is less than a year that would trigger a recall petition which means if 10% of all her constituents sign a petition there would have to be a by-election. Law, who came to notoriety when he blocked a bill to outlaw upskirting. It will be left up to schools to decide exactly how to teach the new content. Spellar outlined his view in Parliament last month, telling another MP: “As our constituents rightly point out, parents have the primary responsibility for bringing up their children and they may have different views.”. 21 MPs opposed the measure. A minimum of 6,967 signatures were required for this petition to be successful (or 10% of Peterborough's electorate). Home. All students, whether they are LGBT or not, should have the time and space to learn about the diversity that exists and makes our world beautiful. What your kids will learn about sex education and when as government makes big changes to curriculum, 'Livid' mums pulled children out of school and claim high staff turnover has left them in tears. How many schools are performing badly in Bath and Somerset?

was found guilty of perverting the course of justice. MPs have voted in favour of LGBT inclusive relationship and sex education for schools in England by a resounding majority. Some parents and campaigners have expressed opposition to the changes. She served 28-days in HMP Bronzefield, Surrey, the largest women's prison in Europe and likened her tribulations to the suffering of Jesus after being released. Among MPs who opposed the measure was Sir Christopher Chope, who came to notoriety when he blocked a bill to outlaw upskirting, and independent MP Fiona Onasanya, who was expelled from Labour after she was found guilty of perverting the course of justice. (L-R) Bob Blackman, John Spellar, Chris Chope, Philip Davies, Sir Edward Leigh, Martin Vickers Philip Hollobone, Dr Julian Lewis, and Sammy Wilson (Official Parliament photos/Chris McAndrew).

12 are members of the Conservative Party, seven are from the Democratic Unionist Party (DUP), one is a Labour MP, and one is an independent MP who was expelled from Labour due to a criminal conviction. During her failed appearance at the Royal Court of Justice, she told the court: 'The charge against me was perverting the course of justice. The solicitor is representing herself and has sent 'new material' to help her case, according to The Sun. ", M4 traffic: Road closed after accident today - updates, The crash happened between J17 A350 (Chippenham) and J18 A46 (Bath), High Street closed in both directions due to 'incident' - updates, Some buses are stuck after getting caught in the closure, Coronavirus: Heatmap shows where Somerset's biggest active COVID-19 hotspots are, Nearly one thousand people are believed to currently have the virus in the county, Kyle Purnell is wanted in connection with an aggravated burglary in Bath, England's 'first lager brewery' among endangered buildings, The former brewery in Somerset is potentially at risk, Boris Johnson to lead press conference on Covid and lockdown - updates, The coronavirus TV address from Downing Street will be attended by the Prime Minister, Prof Chris Whitty and Sir Patrick Vallance, Woman grabbed in park toilets by man with no trousers, The incident happened in Victoria Park in Frome, There has been an accident on A38 Fore Street, Coronavirus: Frome restaurant warned by police after social distancing concerns raised, Up to 200 people attended an event in a car park.

LGBT teachers who taught under Section 28 are still ‘scarred’ by law’s legacy, report finds. If the regulations are approved by the House of Lords, the final guidance is set to be published and come into force from September 2020. They were joined by Ranil Jayawardena (North East Hampshire) and Marcus Fysh (Yeovil), who were both first elected in 2015 and have not voted on previous LGBT+ rights reforms. The MP's brother Festus Onasanya, 33, previously pleaded guilty to three counts of perverting the course of justice. After the verdict, the judge Mr Justice Stuart-Smith said: "This is not going to be easy, not to give any indication one way or the other [about sentencing].". 538 MPs backed the proposal, brought by Education Secretary Damian Hinds, which will mean children are taught about different family models from primary school. You can unsubscribe at any time. The authorities were told the family's former lodger Aleks Antipow had been behind the wheel, but inquiries revealed he had been in Russia visiting his family at the time. “We now know that from September 2020 that RSE will finally be compulsory in all schools in England and that no more young people will be let down when it comes to learning about sex and relationships.”. It is the first time sex and relationship education guidance has been updated in 20 years. Page 4- Fiona Onasanya Politics & Govt. After her release, she appealed in March against her conviction but her case was thrown out by three judges. The views expressed in the contents above are those of our users and do not necessarily reflect the views of MailOnline.