I’m waiting for someone else to mussel in on this now. The man stranded on the island discovered something to start catching fish, it was definitely a net-gain. Did you know that fish are really easy to weigh because they have their own scales? 53. Robert Woods is the creator of FishKeeping World, a third generation fish keeper and a graduate in animal welfare and behavior. Q: What did the fish take to work? 7 of them, in fact! They are often described as very intelligent and interesting fish.

One of the most famous categories of puns on the internet, and that’s what this Punpedia entry is all about. The reason so many people are getting involved with sports fishing this year is because they get hooked. This website is dedicated to those who love everything about puns.

This is going to get a-trout-cious real quick! That fisherman will never make it as a boxer because all he can throw is hooks. Q: What did the fish say when everyone left his party? 47. The school music teacher said that if you want to know how to tuna fish, simply adjust their scales.

2. We kept [Continue reading …], We’re taught as kids the basics behind the life cycle of a frog.

61. To achieve an economy of scale all you need to do is to use fish for currency. Once that huge fish got caught on the line, the jig was up.

26. We all just need to clam down now; I’m a bit shell shocked. Have a trawl through our page, and if you can think of anything batter, let us know in the comments at the end! Welcome to Fishkeeping World.

The school play on fishing was a huge hit because it had quite and amazing cast. Q: Why do fish always lose their court cases?

Q: What did Dorothy the fish say? If schooling fish are just not for you, then look no further! Q: Why can’t fish have romantic relationships? Here are related puns: Here are related puns: Look → Hook : As in, “Blank hooks ” and “Trading dirty hooks ” and “Always hook on the bright side of life” and “Don’t know which way to hook ” and “Have a hook ” and “If hooks could kill.” 52.

Here, you can find out everything you need to know about keeping fish and aquarium maintenance. You’ve come to the right plaice to find the very best fish puns. They could never catch that giant bass, he said de-bait left a bad taste in his mouth. Why wouldn’t the little girl eat her sushi? To raise some money for a new motor pike, the fish had to prawn all his belongings. Q: What did the fish say to his girlfriend when they split up? If one person is fishing they can keep their line clear, it takes two to tangle.