I am just waiting till I finish the little bit we have at home before buying it, especially after reading this article on glyphosate! Jane Bremmer, from the National Toxics Network, accused the agencies of dismissing the evidence.

Farmers will often spray it on crops like wheat, barley, beans, oats, rye and other grains to speed up harvest. I do sometimes ask what cooking oil they use. The glyphosate in food list contains breakfast cereals such as Quaker Oatmeal Squares, Instant Oatmeal Cinnamon & Spice, Snack bar Quaker Chewy S’mores and many more foods. “Bread is the staff of life…or it was considered that at one time.

Lab tests need to determine the level of Glyphosate and whether it exceeded the recommended amount. There’s a growing concern around the rise of glyphosate use and how that could affect not only our health but the planet’s as well. I messed up all night. Interest in the label is growing, however; the Detox Project says it’s received thousands of inquiries to register new products, and Thrive Market, an online health food retailer, announced last year that it would require its suppliers to be certified. This way I can show my daughter that mainstream is saying the same thing my health nuts as sheep calls them, say! The US Food and Drug Administration’s 2017 Pesticide Monitoring Report indicates acid herbicides (including glyphosate) were food in 75% of oats, 34.3% of barley and 16.7% of wheat samples (p.31) (numbers for other Crops of Concern were not detailed). However the food standards agency said glyphosate levels were well below accepted dietary limits and concluded there was “no public health and safety concerns for most substances”. I had acid reflux for years until I gave up beef, pork and lamb. Although some organic crops have tested positive, the risk is dramatically reduced. Thought it was good for reducing cholesterol. Glyphosate is the active ingredient in Monsanto’s Roundup weed killer, and lab studies found this herbicide in many oat-based cereals and foods. That’s a question only General Mills, PepsiCo and other food companies can answer,” said EWG President Ken Cook. My acupunturist has many patients that claim the same, she says must be glyphosate. Most oils ruin me. Anger, fatigue, foggy thinking, lack of motivation, lack of focus, anxiety, triggered easily and cross lines with extended exposure. The fact that glyphosate can kill these other crops is also a part of its usefulness. But you need to be aware that glyphosate use is so rampant, that some organic foods may still contain small amounts of glyphosate residues. Summary: Farmers and individuals who work with glyphosate-based products on a regular basis may be at higher risk for certain health effects, including kidney disease. Long term damage made us vitamin deficient. Given that glyphosate is so ubiquitous in food processing, even tiny amounts of “background” glyphosate (possibly from pesticide drift or shared processing equipment) could cause a product coming from a farm not using glyphosate to fail. Non GMO soybeans, Oats and Wheat (I don’t think there is any GMO wheat or Oats but the packaging may state that as a ‘selling’ point) are most likely sprayed before harvest. While the move doesn’t guarantee residue-free products, a major buyer like Kellogg signaling it won’t buy glyphosate-treated grain incentivizes farmers to avoid spraying. We all need to band together and get rid of this stuff! by But there are ways to steer clear of glyphosate in foods if you are wise and in the know about food labels. The supplementary dossiers containing the required set of scientific studies and literature data were submitted by the Glyphosate Renewal Group on 8 June 2020 (before the deadline of 15 June 2020). I think she;s right.

If you see a back and White USDA instead of the Orginal colorful Green and white seal it is not the Orginal, it has to be the true Green and white seal. Friends of the Earth’s spokesperson on food, Lou Sales, said the food standards agency should re-evaluate what was considered safe levels of glyphosate in people’s diets. In 2015, on the basis of similar evidence, the World Health Organization (WHO)’s International Agency for Research on Cancer classified it as a probable human carcinogen. It is also not broken down by cooking or baking. The European Food Safety Authority concluded in November 2015 that “the substance is unlikely to damage the DNA or to pose a carcinogenic threat to humans”, later clarifying that while carcinogenic glyphosate-containing formulations may exist, studies “that look solely at the active substance glyphosate do not show this effect.”, Regardless of the evidence, Monsanto still states that “Glyphosate has a 40-year history of safe and effective use.

I also thought I was gluten intolerant and came to the conclusion it was the wheat. I hate that the US is acting so slowly and not really considering banning glyphosate from our foods.

I have a very strong gut feeling it was the glyphosate!

I buy Coach’s Oats from Costco, “Hearty Steel Cut Texture”which cooks “up to 5 minutes” in microwave (but not instant oatmeal.) Glycine is thought to chemically bind to Glyphosate and remove it from the body. Recent tests found trace amounts of the cancer linked weed killer, glyphosate, in breakfast cereals, oatmeals and snack bars. Growing your own vegetables is a great way to ensure your food is grown glyphosate-free. Non-GMO does not necessarily mean organic so be careful. The lower GI red fleshed potato despite being grown underground has tested high for herbicides.

It can even be found in trace amounts in organic foods (even though it’s banned in organic farming) due to drift our runoff from nearby farms.

I don’t know what kind of test I could ask my to run to ck for things. Curt.