"We have elections in this state and in this city, and those elections are where the decision as to who is holding this office is supposed to be determined," he said. A petition to recall Seattle City Council member Kshama Sawant accuses her of abusing her powers as an elected official. “This meeting will not be hijacked. He initially filed a lawsuit against the city, saying the recall effort violated the Voting Rights Act, but he withdrew it after the pandemic delayed the citywide election. Most states require at... 3 Explain you. The city has authorized use of taxpayer funds to foot the bill for her legal efforts. Last October, he declared a “Black State of Emergency” warning people of color to not visit McKinney or Texas due to a conspiracy “to kill, injure, oppress, threaten and intimidate” Black people. At last week’s meeting, after the council agreed to put the recall vote on the November ballot, council members were given a few minutes each to make public comments. Join the ranks of independent, free thinkers by supporting us today for as little as $1. On Tuesday, the Seattle City Council voted to pay for Sawant’s legal defense, 7-1, with Councilmember Debora Juarez the only member to vote against the idea. time when it's under direct attack. She is an advocate for abolishing the police and […] President Trump claimed during Tuesday’s debate that his administration has given “big incentives” to electric cars, despite a consistent push from his White House to pull the plug on federal tax credits for the vehicles. Other alleged violations include encouraging protesters to occupy Seattle Police's East Precinct, that she "helped create the Capitol Hill Occupation Protest (CHOP) Zone," used city resources to promote a ballot initiative, delegated employment and decision making to her political party, The Socialist Alternative, revealed the masked address of Mayor Durkan's home to protesters who later marched on and vandalized her home. This failure of leadership should result in a new, more representative official taking her seat on the city council. “When I’m no longer in this seat, you can still show up every Tuesday and represent your community.”. Rogers dismissed the charges related to the East Precinct and the CHOP, but allowed the other four to proceed.

Biden campaign shuts down debate-skipping buzz, Wallace interrupts Trump then scolds him on following debate rules in a series of testy exchanges, Trump deploys chaos as he tries to trip Biden, Trump hurls insults at Hunter Biden in heated exchange during debate, Biden's debate move: Tell Trump to 'shut up' and speak directly to viewers, 'Hot mess, inside a dumpster fire': CNN offers bleak assessment of first Trump-Biden debate, Biden says 'the Green New Deal is not my plan' after Trump badgering at debate, Trump claims credit for electric vehicle incentives his administration opposes, 'Gentlemen, I hate to raise my voice': Wallace yells to gain control of debate and focuses frustration on Trump, Biden leverages Trump's FBI director to parry claims about antifa, 'China ate your lunch, Joe': Trump hits Biden on business with China, Biden speechless as Trump challenges him to name one police group that supports him. Former GOP presidential candidate Rick Santorum was a tough critic of President Trump's debate performance. “I represent these constituents, as you see here. The City Clerk’s Office says that process requires only 17,632 signatures by mid-June to qualify for the November ballot. The recall against Sawant was filed by a group of Seattle residents, led by Ernie Lou. Will you do the same? The petition also claims that Sawant endangered city employees by admitting hundreds of protesters into Seattle City Hall and"created a criminal environment" in the East Precinct area of Capitol Hill where the former Capitol Hill Organized Protest (CHOP) zone was created. This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google. We’re going to have this discussion when we can have it respectfully, and with that I make the motion to adjourn,” Fuller said before gaveling the meeting to an end. “The BLM movement is an important movement, but my fear is that the aspects that are most important in the BLM movement get lost and/or take a back seat in the heated focus and debate over items like the statue,” Fuller said. First, answer moderator Chris Wallace's questions if President Trump didn't interrupt, then ignore Trump's sharpest attacks, tell him to shut up, and speak directly to viewers rather than participate in a situation that he did not want to be in. He says he’s pushed hard to create more economic opportunities for McKinney’s communities of color, and he claims he’s been more effective in helping those residents than Shemwell has. Yesterday, in a 7-1 vote, the Seattle City Council authorized the City Attorney to provide legal support for Marxist Council Member Kshama Sawant to defend herself against a recall petition filed against her. Connect with friends faster than ever with the new Facebook app.