Strain the rasam with a strainer for small babies and serve. Place the slices near your toddlers. Grind them to a smooth paste by adding half cup of water. Crushed ginger will give nice aroma to rasam. Gargle with warm water, turmeric and salt helps in providing relief to soar and irritated throat. Cold and cough have common symptoms such as sneezing, running nose, congestion of nasal and chest, sore throat, restlessness, loss of appetite etc.

Add 1 tsp salt or as required. Best home remedy for cold and flu. I learnt from my pediatrician, my granny, my mom, sisters and of course some tips from my peers…who were also new moms. Once color changes slightly, add few curry leaves and 1 dry red chilli. However, they only should be provided for the babies at the age of 8 months or more. It irritates and coughing throughout the night. It gives fruitful outcomes instantly. Turmeric contains a compound known as “curcumin” due to which it carries antibacterial, antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties.
Wash and cook toor dal with required water in a pressure cooker for 3-5 whistles in medium low flame. It can help to remove the congestion and phlegm very effectively. Using nasal saline drops is also one of the good and safe home remedies for baby cough and cold that you can try.

Graduated from AIIMS – All India Institute Of Medical Science, INDIA, © Copyright 2020, All Rights Reserved  | , Treat Cold and Cough: Remedies for Cold and Cough in Babies. A good and sound sleep of 10-14 hours is recommended. People use it for their family to stay away from a cough, cold, flu. crush all ingredients except betal leaves first, then add in betal leaves give a speed. Hence it cannot be treated by antibiotics. It soothes phlegm and clears the stuffed nose. Follow Us through Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Pinterest, Google+, Instagram, to be updated with our New Recipes. It has the powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties thanks to its main bioactive compound named gingerol. Home remedies are quite safe as they do not carry side effects. Check the spiciness and taste before feeding your baby. Prepare a drink by adding 1/8 tablespoon of saffron in a cup of milk. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Below are some age wise natural, easy and safe home remedies to cure cold and cough in babies, toddlers, kids. Also, it relives from chest congestion that often causes a chronic cough. Transfer the dry items from first plate to a mixie jar and powder it. It is also best and easy home remedy to wash away the allergens. The above are some home remedies for baby cough and cold that we want to share with you.

Boil it again until frothy in low flame. Hosted & Managed by Host My Blog.