$('#back2Top').fadeIn(); Fastest Service Around! As a father of 6 children, all grown now, I am very sensitive to Amber Alerts.

I didn't know at that time, I needed to disable my LTE setting too.

$("#back2Top").click(function(event) { Thanks, I didn't realize it behaved differently for each brand.

I was looking for patches beyond the May 1, 2017 security patch level to patch for both Spectre/Meltdown and WPA2 Krack and receive alerts from the Canadian Emergency Alert System. Select once. A multi-hazard, hybrid multi-channel alerting solution designed … !function(f,b,e,v,n,t,s) You should also change the "how often" for amber alerts - once [once per alert] is sufficient. My KEY2 on T-Mobile allows me to disable them as well as Extreme Alerts, Severe Alerts, and WPAS Test Alerts. WIFI WPS WPA tester for pc windows can detect available wifi connections in the surroundings within a second and also give you the constant security alert. Alert Ready Emergency Alert System. UnlockUnit.com & UnlockScope.com - Unlock Your Phone Safe, Fast and Secure! I suppose that sounded a bit insensitive and I understand your reaction.

Koodo: Unlimited Canada Talk, World Text, 8+9 GB Data. How terribly inconvenient.

I turned the setting on at about 6 pm, and just received the emergency test alert now, 6:15pm May 7. Why can't we have a system like the Americans have? Koodo $40 Canada Wide + 8GB + 1000 Intl LD, I agree I hate the random / stupid alerts but this one appears to be a legit kidnapping (first one in like last 10). Just one alert if receiving multiple message from the same conversation.

fbq('init', '133516703936489'); 'https://connect.facebook.net/en_US/fbevents.js');

Trusted Member.

You cannot opt-out from receiving test alerts. Many people who were either sleeping or doing some sensitive task do not need to be shocked by such a shocking noise they have no idea how to turn off or what it is.

Especially if, again, the situation was rectified because of the alert.

"Don't cry because it's over, Smile because it happened ", Topics: 181,721   Bob80220. (Scared the crap out of me, glad I wasn't driving) How do you stop receiving faxes on SE T200 ? For me I have them all on, I like to be informed. OMG !! Just my 2 cents worth. event.preventDefault(); UnlockBase - Cell Phone Unlock Codes Marketplace, ATTPhoneUnlockingShop.us - Specialists in unlocking any mobile phone on AT&T network, Codes2unlock.com - Unlock Your Phone Easily and Safely, REAL Mobile – Activate your Sprint phone on its native network for less Off contract Sprint, Unlocke. Amber Alerts are sent out over a number of platforms in addition to cell phones... overhead signs in cities and on highways, cable and satellite TV, etc. UnlockPhoneNetwork.com - The internet's most trusted and secure mobile unlocking solution.

That setting is useless in Canada. Emergency Alerts -> Extreme alerts , Severe alerts , AMBER alerts , WPAS Test alerts Why does Canada insist that every alert has to be a Presidential Alert? I want to see the notification but I get to decide how. I want to know if a child or children are in danger if they were abducted so I can be on the look out. I had mine set to only extreme threats and I my phone still went off for an Amber alert.