As a general guide, you can expect to pay between £6,000 and £10,000 for at least two dental implants and dentures. As a biocompatible material, the implant will gently fuse with your jawbone in a process known as osseointegration. This is to give the dentures extra anchorage and support the bone tissue. In dentistry it is used as a basic material for dental implants because of its high strength and resistance to corrosion. Dental implants are small titanium* screws that act as a substitute for the root portions of your missing teeth. With an implant retained denture, fewer implants are required and often mini implants …

If the lower jaw has suffered bone loss, it may not be able to support dentures and implants may be recommended. More than being in harmony with your body, titanium actually stimulates bone growth and improves the health of your jaw. The cost of dental implants depends on a number of different factors, including the number of implants needed and the type of retentive mechanisms and dentures you choose; prices also vary according to which clinic or Dentist you choose. *Titanium is a silver-white precious metal, proven to be completely biocompatible. All our dental professionals adhere to the General Dental Council standard’s for dental professionals - Dental implants are fine titanium rods, which are fixed into pre-drilled sockets in the jaw bone to replace the root portion of the missing tooth. The cost of dentures varies according to the number of dentures you need, the type of dentures you choose and the clinic you visit; some clinics may charge higher fees than others. As a general guide, you can expect to pay between £6,000 and £10,000 for at least two dental implants and dentures. Read about how Changing Faces® are transforming the lives of 1000's of people. Implant Retained Dentures and Dental implants . The dentures are much more secure than traditional removable dentures because the implants provide better anchorage, The dentures offer peace of mind because there is no chance of the dentures coming loose, The dentures feel and look exactly like natural teeth, Implant retained dentures do not negatively affect your ability to eat and they will not change your speech. Implants also provide a better aesthetic than conventional dentures. At Changing Faces we use them like natural tooth roots to support our dentures and hold them in place. If you decide to undergo treatment, they will develop a treatment plan to fit the dental implants that help your dentures look just like natural teeth. If the patient does not have sufficient bone mass to support a traditional implant, a mini implant may be used instead. In some cases, dentures cannot be supported by the jaw bone alone and implants are required to secure the dentures. A stable and secure fit of your dentures to your gums, Less denture base covering the roof of your mouth, Improved taste and speech with less denture base, A bite comparable to your own natural teeth, Restored chewing ability with greater enjoyment of food, The treatment is not as costly as standard implants, The treatment can be performed under local anaesthetic, The procedure and recovery time are quicker than with traditional implants. If traditional dental implants are not suitable, which can be the case if the jawbone is not sufficient enough to support standard implants, then mini implants can be used to retain removable dentures. This in turn reduces the risk of the patient gagging. Implant-retained dentures cost less than implant-supported ones since fewer implants are required. Dental Implants can be used for all kinds of restorations. Because your dental implant will actually fuse with your jawbone in a process known as 'osseointegration', it won't be long before your denture teeth look and feel more secure. Dental implants from Changing Faces® will hold your dentures firmly in place.