What a tard. I thought to myself that I would give it a try, and I looked around the house trying to find some foods that were high in iron, and I ended up with this. I hope that you enjoy it as much as Mia and I had fun making it. So, interestingly, you can do the same experiment at home yourself and you can use this magnet. The reason is that iron ions (iron that would more easily combine with other molecules in the cereal) increase the spoilage rate of the food.
You’re not eating the food in its natural form with the nutrients that were originally in there. Is that something that I want to feed my kids?” I want them to grow up to be healthy and strong as adults, and I know that a lot of that has to do with how much nutrition they have in the formative years of their life like this. IRON - Fe Iron is a vital essential nutrient that is required for optimal health and its primary role is to carry oxygen around the body. Iron deficiency is a very common nutritional disorder, affecting mostly women, children, elderly people, vegetarians and vegans. To link to this nutrient amounts converter from your website, cut and paste the following code into a page content. Now, I’m not going to draw any conclusions for you, but I don’t know where the iron comes from, or any of the nutrients come from that they put in Wheaties or that they put in the Rice Chex to fortify the rice flour or that they put in the Cheerios. Of course, not all cereals use elemental iron, some use iron in the form of ferrous sulfate (FeSO). Generally however, much of the iron remains untouched and is excreted. **Our intentions are aimed towards a fairer, more transparent world and a better future for everyone. Adding iron, fucking steel to cereal does not make you healthier. Carbonyl Iron is the iron used in iron supplements.

Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. I just used this thing to smash up the quinoa into little itty bits. I don’t want to eat it. So maybe they’ll be affected by the magnet…. And the video is pretty striking. When grains are milled they lost most of the wheat germ and brans that have all of the nutrients in it which includes iron.
This is a joke; they’re just trying to get media attention.” or something like that. Heather. His assumed counter logic is so fucking dumb, even if this is true this guy sounds like a fucking idiot. I can’t guarantee a video every time, but I will try to make some more. NH Faith Fusion is a ministry of the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification. I’m not getting anything. We hope to challenge issues which have captured the public’s imagination, from JFK and UFOs to 9/11. There’s more iron in this, but I’m not getting any kind of attraction to the magnet. This is a big prank. This is Mia. I don’t know if our bodies can absorb these nutrients so well, these fortified nutrients. Actually, if you bothered looking, you'd find Mike Adams posting videos routinely from inside the lab, and publishing his data/findings on food toxicity levels. Even though iron only makes up less than 5 percent of the mass on Earth, it is found in a lot of places: rocks, cereal—and even in your blood! Is nutritionally fortified food better for you than non-nutritionally fortified food like just plain white flour without anything added to it? There is mg amount of Iron, Fe in amount of Cereals ready-for-eating, GENERAL MILLS, WHEATIES. I have found that I do benefit from taking a good multivitamin. So in the video, he takes a couple flakes of these Wheaties from the store. I tried to get it as small as possible, because I don’t want it to not be attracted to the magnet because of weight, right? This really isn't a conspiracy, it's just another method of making sure you have nutrients that you need.

This hoax ranger guy is rigging these flakes. I love watching videos to learn. I'm guessing you were a corps man? Nothing can replace the goodness of eating lots of vegetables, fruit and unprocessed grains. You are absolutely right. Foods from animals provide both forms and foods from plants provide only non-haem form of iron. And even if this was actually true, it is highly unlikely it is on purpose as he suggests (because of the aformentioned logic).

The muppets at naturalnews most likely have never seen the inside of a forensic laboratory. Probably, but is it better for you or equivalent to food that’s never been processed to begin with or minimally processed and retains the nutrients and micro-nutrients that were originally in there by nature? Calculate and convert the amounts. We don’t eat this stuff, but I bought a box just to try this out. And he demonstrates that you can actually crush Wheaties… with the magnet obviously, and then you can take the magnet and you can run it across the little pieces of Wheaties and you can actually attract pieces of Wheaties with the magnet. List of Iron-Enriched Foods to Include In Your Diet 1. Could it be they are just sticking because of the sugar or something? Instead we jump straight to this, http://www.stevespanglerscience.com/lab/experiments/nails-for-breakfast. It will appear as: nutrient amounts converter, Information related to food categories for nutritional facts information. This is quinoa. With the first cereal, he drops a pile on top the magnet then lets them fall off. I just wanna know how it took this many years before someone found this out. 36 Votes) Amount in cereal.