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If you click the "notify me" checkbox {which is optional}, your e-mail is also collected. of white chocolate coating., about 16-20 store-bought OR 1 batch homemade Rice Krispie Treats. Let stand until coating is firm. :). I'm going to make pink treats and add them to our bake sale fundraiser for our Breast Cancer Walk. at. This is a great idea but how far in advance can I make them? Thanks for sharing! Join us by email to get all the deliciousness right in your inbox. And we are big rice krispie treat lovers! Clicking "publish" to submit your comment indicates your explicit consent for name collection. And ho do I store the them? And looks delicious too. Enjoy! Copyright © 2017 The Kitchen is My Playground. What a cute idea! I would like the recipe for the chocolate dip rice crisps pops. So glad you enjoyed it, dear friend. These so yummy and pretty. Blog Design: But plan on approximately 30-35 bars per pound of coating. No-Bake Rice Krispies Treats With white Chocolate and Peppermint Perfect for Christmas festivities and afternoon snacking! Dip each Rice Krispie Treat in the candy coating, letting excess coating drip off back into the container. We are so glad that you linked up to "Strut Your Stuff Saturday." I'm following via bloglovin, gfc and lf. Thank you so much for visiting The Kitchen is My Playground! Thanks for sharing with us at Weekend Potluck. Simply dip Rice Krispie treats in chocolate and decorate with sprinkles, like with these adorable, easy baby shower ideas, white chocolate dipped Krispie treats, Rice Krispie treats, how to dip Krispie Treats in chocolate.
I will never ever forget our first grade shower! I HAD to do store-bought since I was bringing them for my students ... it's the rule that there be no homemade foods brought in. I did not put them in the refrigerator after I dipped them, but you certainly could for just a few minutes to set the chocolate. So cute for a shower! Melt the semi-sweet (or dark) chocolate according to the package directions. Snip a tiny hole in one corner of the bag and drizzle blue accents over the treats. They'll look beautiful in pastel colors, Kim! They were so so so good! I do have a question though, did you cut the bars in half or leave them the size they came? Great idea! I will try this one out. They look soo yummy! I'm in the midst of doing a shower and it's crazy how much detail you end up putting into it. Awesome recipe! Repeat for all the Rice Krispies Treats. I You can make them several days in advance. Rice Krispies are always a nice treat and delicious too! Hope that helps!
cook Baby Shower White Chocolate-Dipped Rice Krispie Treats Melt white candy melts