The Tiberium Control Network was the cornerstone of his final plan to Ascend, but GDI still had data he couldn't access. [33] A few believed Kane was still alive. In 1998, Kane was ranked fifth on GameSpot's list of the best game villains as "one of the most vile characters you'll ever butt heads with in any PC game. [6], In 2008, Kucan was inducted in the Guinness World Records Gamer's Edition 2008 as the longest recurring actor in any video game franchise to date for his portrayal of Kane.[7]. Marcion's ideology also required demonizing the supposedly-deceased Kane. [14] The Nod prophet would place Tiberium at the heart of the Brotherhood's religious beliefs and political ideology. Kane clandestinely supported Slavik's bid to overthrow General Hassan, leader of factions in the Eastern Hemisphere,[37] who was a GDI collaborator. The Marked of Kane first were "awakened" by LEGION in 2052. He is a resident of Las Vegas, Nevada. The destruction of the World Altering Missile, along with Kane's Cairo Pyramid Temple seems to have led to Kane abandoning his Divination plans for the human race. Kane remained a mystery, constantly eluding capture. Tous droits réservés. The 3 ICBM launchers fire their missiles on the GDSS Philadelphia and annihilated it, paving the way for Kane to unleash the World Altering Missile on the world as we know it. Kane left a recording for McNeil gloating that his brother Jake McNeil had died a very slow and painful death. The Nod leader then gave a Nod Commander who was significant to the success of the African campaign the honor of choosing the satellite weapon's first target. Kane continues by explaining that Parker's optical implant is the key to activating the TCN, the Threshold's portal, and his Ascension. Kane used information from shards of the Tacitus to help develop the new AI. In all games in which the character has been featured the role of Kane has been portrayed by Joseph D. Kucan. [23] Kane also targeted Nick Parker for jibes as the GDI commando continued interfering with Project ReGenesis. Kane is portrayed and voiced by Joseph David Kucan, who also served as Full Motion Video director and dramatic director for games produced by Westwood Studios from 1992 to 2002. He would instead focus on his Ascension through the means of the Scrin, although the launching of the World Altering Missile would have, through the proliferation of Tiberium eventually led to the arrival of the Scrin anyway, thus Ascension may have been his real reason for Divination and the World Altering Missile anyway. Tout ce qu’il faut savoir sur la nouvelle console de Sony, Command & Conquer revient dans une version collection remastérisée, Command & Conquer Remastered Collection, un dépoussiérage convaincant pour 2 STR cultes des 90's, Command & Conquer : Remastered - Première vidéo de gameplay., il a pas pris une ride c'est ouf par contre j'imagine que toute les bonasse dans le jeu c'est pas la même, Vivement un nouvel épisode de la grande époque gdi Nod avec du tiberium et un moteur graphique de fou. At this point, most of the Earth had been overrun with Tiberium, and the failure to develop a solution to the Tiberium poisoning had rendered the Earth almost uninhabitable to Carbon-based life.

Most estimates by GDI's psychoanalysts have placed his IQ around 196 at the least—well above what is formally classified as a genius; made evident not only by the Brotherhood of Nod's unanticipated rise as a superpower, but in its astonishing ability to go toe-to-toe with the Global Defense Initiative in modern high-tech warfare. Kane immediately set about obtaining the resource and having his scientists in the brotherhood research and experiment with the resource. General Sheppard authorized an assault on the Temple within minutes of a covert agent confirming Kane's presence in the Temple. He mostly got votes from the western states.