Sometimes, music festivals, big wedding occasions, or large …, Warm weather is approaching, but that doesn’t always guarantee that heavy downpours and poor …, Write for Us About Us Privacy Policy Contact Us. Under the slogan “Health for all”, WHO celebrates the 70th anniversary of World Health Day. It is important that we understand the essence embedded in these simple words, now more than ever in the face of a pressing health crisis. If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone, Turn from evil and do good; seek peace and pursue it, “Not Rahul Savarkar, Will Not Apologise For Speaking Truth”: Rahul Gandhi, Know why Delhi is called the Rape Capital.

They comfort the sick. In nothing do men more nearly approach the gods than in giving health to men. Kareena Kapoor, Karisma, Saif Ali Khan shine at Armaan Jain’s roka, Rishi Kapoor, wife Neetu attend. 1.
It is an impetus behind various organisations to support the countries towards Universal Health Coverage (UHC).Do you know that in the year 1995 the theme of World Health Day was Global Polio Eradication?

A healthy outside starts from the inside.

We are calling for your support on World Health Day to ensure that the nursing and midwifery workforces are strong enough to ensure that everyone, everywhere gets the healthcare they need.

When love and skills work together, expect a masterpiece. A question on which Big Data specialists see a crucial answer: yes to its use. On this day several programs and arrangements are managed by the World Health Organisation. However, by putting yourself at risk, you are also putting your family at risk. Thus it is our duty to help and support them as all of us together wage a fight against COVID-19. In health there is freedom.

It was first held by ‘WHO’ World Health Organisation in 1948.

Thus, on July 22, 1949, a World Health Day was established to commemorate the birth of this health organization.

math with your child can be fun. From its Internet of Things department (IoT), there are many initiatives that the company has developed in recent times.

This is the tough time for the whole world as more than 200 countries and territories are affected by COVID-19. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to, How to draw a giant panda: Pandas are cute and very easy to draw due to their chubby body …, The technology is present in our lives and in the lives of our children.

Aim of WHO is “the world in which all people enjoy the highest attainable standard of health…

According to WHO, World Health Day 2020 Tagline is Support Nurses and Midwives. World Health Day celebrates its 71 anniversary on April 7 at a time when technology has taken the reins in terms of health advances. In the year 1950, World Health Day was first time celebrated worldwide.

Give a man health and a course to steer, and he’ll never stop to trouble about whether he’s happy or not.

Here we leave a …, Grandparents Day Events: Here are snapshots of the events of some of the successful …, What Museum Can You Visit for Free on Google: Even if you can’t leave …, Special events happen all year round. World Health Day marks the anniversary of the World Health Organisation which was founded in 1948.

Challenges for which, increasingly, WHO relies on technology to confront them.

Before everything else, it is the healthcare professionals across the world who deserve a big applause in the current pandemic for holding the fort for us. World Health Day 2020 In the year 1950, 7th of April was declared as World Health Day by the World Health Organization.
Without good health, nothing is possible.

They help us live in a happier, healthier world. What is Cinco de Mayo and why is it celebrated in the United States?

The award-winning project consists of a communication channel between patients with complex chronic diseases and clinical professionals to improve the current assistance model.

A wise man should consider that health is the greatest of human blessings. World Health Day 2020: Best Quotes, Sayings & Slogans To Celebrate Our Healthcare Heroes, World Health Day : 7th April, Slogan & Themes, Elsa Hosk, Victoria’s Secret Angel, Announces Her Pregnancy Posing Naked | The NY Journal, ‘Teen Mom 2’ Recap: Briana DeJesus Confronts Luis After She Tests Positive For Chlamydia, Hydrogen-powered train will run on mainline for the first time TODAY, Roger Goodell wasn’t surprised by Titans’ coronavirus outbreak, Naya Rivera’s Ex Ryan Dorsey Cries, Reveals Son, Josey, 5, Asked Her Sister To Move In After Star Died, British PM Boris Johnson hospitalized due to CoronaVirus now moved to ICU, World Health Day : Images, WhatsApp Stickers, Facebook Greetings, GIF Images, World Health Day 2020: World Health Day today; know its history and purpose.