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– klr6773. This includes a sugar-free version and is reduced fat. Swapping out  2% milk for the blend of whole milk & half and half sometimes used for this recipe, cuts down on more calories, along with fat (I’d rather save those fat calories for a nice dollop of whipped cream on top myself). Reviewed by millions of home cooks. My whole family loves it and we all grew up on it! It is sweet and comforting and full of mild protein. Use custard cups or one casserole bowl. Garnish this cinnamon roll casserole with powdered sugar and serve with additional maple syrup, if desired. Grape Nuts cereal is packed with fiber and is a good source of protein, team that with milk & egg protein, and things are already looking good for this dessert. A delectable dessert. This was delicious, I was surprised my boys even ate the custard pudding. He would really appreciate this recipe and I’m sure it would remind him of childhood! I live in Rhode Island, where it is incredibly popular with the older folks, and is on most traditional family restaurant menus. "I've been using this recipe for about 4 years now!

Pour 1 1/2 cups into a sauce pan. But switching up your side dishes can bring a refreshing change to a classic comfort food dish. It is a custard featuring Grape Nuts cereal. I have to double this recipe, and bake it in a 9x13 inch pan for my family! Diabetic Grapenut Custard Pudding. Stay tuned for lots more guides. Keep an eye on your inbox for updates. Grape Nuts cereal is packed with fiber and is a good source of protein, team that with milk & egg protein, and things are already looking good for this dessert. Just dump the Grape Nuts over the custard.

A traditional, easy, and delicious Italian custard. A simple visual walk through of making the pudding. This is a super easy pudding that can be adapted as needed to be both vegetarian or vegan. After about 50 minutes, the Diabetic Grapenut Custard should be done. I was trying to figure out where the grapefruit was in the recipe, lol. A disposable roasting pan, rested on a sheet pan would work well as a water holder, and as it won’t get dirty, thus could still be used later. Bake for approximately 50 minutes. Clean up your portions using a clean, wet, rubber spatula. I like to use ground chocolate as a substitute for the cocoa.

This keeps well for several days in the refrigerator. Takes just slightly more effort than normal. Add comma separated list of ingredients to exclude from recipe. Jun 22, 2019 - Explore Cizovilla Club's board "grapenut pudding" on Pinterest. A wonderful baked creme brulee. Mom Food Blog with Family Recipes and Healthy Lifestyle. Grab your almond milk. This is one of my favorite foods when I am feeling blah. Even beginner cooks can master these easy-to-make recipes. In a medium bowl, beat eggs, sugar, salt and vanilla. It should look like this and now we can get to cookin'.

I love food and I love sharing that passion with others. This bread pudding is the ultimate in comfort food from Gramma's kitchen. This recipe looks good and I’m definitely going to give it a try, thanks!

My husband says it reminds him of the rice pudding he used to get as a child at a restaurant. If you're unsure what this means, Google or YouTube it. I don't have pictures of adding the egg because I only have two hands.

Good for dessert.

(Heat, but stop just as it is about to boil). Can be eaten warm, if preferred. Delicious served over mangos sprinkled with rum, or strawberries with Grand Marnier® or Cointreau®.

Stir in some chopped bananas before chilling for a nutrition boost.

I estimate they are around 11 or 12 per serving. Instant Pot Salsa Chicken (Keto Friendly). Best Bread Pudding with Vanilla Sauce Rating: Unrated 427 We found this recipe tucked inside my mom's Bible when going through her things. Pour into a greased 2-quart casserole dish. Can be served warm immediately or cold.