Perfect for mass imports / exports / updates, data cleansing & de-duplication, Excel based data analysis, and more! Installing any of the Excel Add-Ins creates a new CData data access toolbar in Excel that users can
I was just reading the API deveoloper doc of the provider and it states

With more than 300 Excel worksheet functions available, you have full access to the powerful Excel calculation engine. First, Windows search , write ODBC and select the ODBC Data sources (32 bits) Open ODBC Data Source. As simple as that, you can then interact with the worksheets, ranges, tables, and charts in that workbook, and do filtering, sorting, call functions, apply formatting and much more. These cookies are used to collect information about how you interact with our website and allow us to remember you. ')/charts('Chart1')/image(width=0,height=0,fittingMode='fit'),$metadata#microsoft.graph.sessionInfo. With Excel REST API, it’s no longer necessary to recode your Excel formulas in custom app code. access to connect to remote data. working with live REST tables of data.

Users across all type of industries and business use Excel to store critical business data.

Well, look no further at building these capabilities yourself – using the new Excel REST API, you have the power and simplicity of Excel at your fingertips (or a few simple HTTP calls) for all of your app’s calculation needs. Take a look at some of our most popular articles from our knowledge base: For more articles and technical content related to Excel Add-In for REST, please visit our online knowledge base. Find more details on how to create a persisted session in our documentation. Perfect for mass imports / exports / updates, data cleansing & de-duplication, Excel based data analysis, and more! Navigate the API documentation to find the correct query to generate the data you need. SQL connectivity to 200+ Enterprise on-premise & cloud data sources. The Excel Services REST API applies to SharePoint and SharePoint 2016 on-premises. In a web browser, navigate to your API site (usually Once the data connection is configured, just specify the table and the Excel Add-In will populate a new Excel
Zapier recently announced a new Excel integration powered by Excel REST API, with many cool use cases like greatly simplifying a data collection process, users can now build zaps where data is automatically added into Excel from other services like emails, surveys or any other of their connected services. Now you have a REST API call that generates data in any web browser, Excel or other applications that can make web queries. Last year, we announced a powerful Excel JavaScript API that enables developers to build interactive Office Add-ins. Move to Excel and insert the API query data into a spreadsheet: Open Excel 2013, click File New and select Blank Workbook. Automated continuous replication.