Graph explorer shows the user's photo using this URL.

When you have a request object, you can specify a variety of options such as filtering and sorting, and finally, you select the type of operation you want to perform.{userid}/photo/$value. The following code contains all we need to retrieve and populate the page with our email data. Namespace: microsoft.graph. I am using below code to get the image and assign it as URL to image card in my bot. The Microsoft Graph SDK service libraries provide a client class that you can use as the starting point for creating all API requests. Delete requests are constructed in the same way as requests to retrieve an entity, but use a DELETE request instead of a GET. You can use the $expand filter to request a related entity, or collection of entities, at the same that you request the main entity. While developing Azure function I was using three users for testing and development purposes, the mentioned issue has only limited those users. Fully managed intelligent database services. Get the byte array of the user's photo by using Graph API. The following code snippets assume your app is using the AcquireTokenAsyncForUser() method to acquire new tokens. // Make a Microsoft Graph API query var users = await graphServiceClient.Users.Request().GetAsync(); For more information on the Microsoft Graphe SDK and API, you can read the GitHub Repository. As per my analysis, there is no permission issue as it is working with users who were not previously used in code.

The following steps assume your app is already using ADAL to acquire access tokens to call Azure AD Graph, and that for now you will continue to use ADAL. The $orderBy query parameter will request that the server provide the list of entities sorted by the specified properties.

The Visual Studio and CLI templates support authentication out of the box. And if we jump to our App Registrations tab in Azure AD in the Azure portal,  we can see that there is an app registration that matches exactly what we see inside Visual Studio.

The following example compares and contrasts fetching a group and paging through its members, 5 at a time. For eventMessages, I am not able to get event details from api.

Remove Microsoft.Graph.Core project and tests from solution. Search for Microsoft.Graphin the NuGet Library, or 2. The new library does a great job in abstracting a lot of the complexities and allowing developers to quickly implement authentication within a few lines of code. Switching to MSAL can be done as a separate step described in migrating to MSAL.

Richard diZerega's sample bots. Connect and engage across your organization. Build solutions that target enterprise users in Azure and Microsoft 365, consumers on Office Online ( and, or both. on

For PowerShell, identifiers are passed as parameters. If your app currently uses the Azure AD Graph client library, switch to the Microsoft Graph .NET client library.

Switching to MSAL can be done as a separate step described in migrating to MSAL. IAuthenticationProvider which can authenticate requests to Microsoft Graph. However, the biggest benefit is that since this library is built on top of MSAL, you don’t need two separate libraries to authenticate first and then acquire tokens for speaking to back-end APIs. You can use a Header() function to attach custom headers to a request. From there, we want to select Delegated Permissions and select the “Mail.Read” permission. Before wrapping up, a couple of things worth highlighting: Finally, you can find the full source code and a working example of this Blazor application on GitHub.

The requests in the SDK follow the format

The recommended library for authenticating against Microsoft Identity (Azure AD) is MSAL. Instead, they are built into the Microsoft.Identity.Web dll. As you can see, with a couple of lines of code, we were able to leverage the Microsoft.Identity.Web library to authenticate against Azure AD. At Build 2020 we announced a new authentication and token management library for ASP.NET Core 3.1 (and above) apps. The content you requested has been removed. Rest of the information is being fetched properly other than user's photo. This is part of the Blazor mechanics so something that keen in mind when creating your apps. The service starts enumerating the drive's hierarchy, returning pages of items and either an @odata.nextLink or an @odata.deltaLink, as described below.

I am trying to get user photo by using below URL. An instance of the GraphServiceClient class handles building requests, For fetching Tasks for other users I have to give full delegate permission in the mailbox to the user from which CRUD operations are done.

We’re sorry.

Register your application to use Microsoft Graph API using the Microsoft Application Registration Portal.

Here are the examples of the csharp api class Microsoft.Graph.IUserRequest.GetAsync(System.Threading.CancellationToken) taken from open source projects. Back to our Blazor app, in Visual Studio, we first need to add the client secret in appsettings.json. Microsoft Graph offers a wide range of APIs to allow you to build rich and immersive apps with the data your users own.