Get a free copy of the new SolarWinds Permissions Analyzer! Reply. ... please diagnose and fix the Outlook issue by running Microsoft Support and Recovery Assistant for Office 365. An easier way than the previous option is to change the username or password in either Office 365 or your third-party provider, so that the login credentials are unique. I then started to use a paid software called GS Richcopy 360 after I read about it on a blog. Click More Settings, go to Security tab, make sure the option "Encrypt data between Microsoft Outlook and Microsoft Exchange" is checked. This topic has been locked by an administrator and is no longer open for commenting. Add a proxy server & check authentication protocol helps with this error. Otherwise, you’ll have to send a request to the system admin. Outlook will restore the connection when possible.When this happens I can ping the Exchange server, it resolves correctly by IP and Hostname. Try connecting after the Microsoft server restarts. Can’t move. The only way I notice it is still not connected is when I hear my phone notify me of Clearing Download shared folders (excludes mail folders) in outlook on the client pc didn't fix the problem.

Outlook will restore the connection when possible. Transfer this file to your problematic PC and merge it to your registry. Click on More settings. outlook must be, connection to the microsoft exchange server has been lost. Please also disable the IPV6 and TCP Offloading on the CAS server and check if it works: netsh int tcp set global chimney=disabled, Connection to Microsoft Exchange has been lost, Exchange Previous Versions - Outlook, OWA, POP, and IMAP Clients. The connection to Microsoft Exchange is unavailable. "No database found" but successful connection to SQL server.What am I missing? This should resolve the error if it’s caused by an outdated cache.

Under the Encryption section, check the Encrypt data between Microsoft Office Outlook and Microsoft Exchange option.

All users are still running Outlook 2003 and are running fine. Any ideas? Finally, move this file to the PC where Outlook is not working. I have sent you a private message. I have created a new account, it works fine. Connection to Microsoft Exchange has been restored. Outlook will restore the connection when possible.

I have a strange situation. Creative thinker, out of the boxer, content builder and tenacious researcher who specializes in explaining complex ideas to different audiences. Things I've done: Changed Outlook Profiles. Malwarebytes is one such antivirus that is known to restrict Outlook and its connections.

To enable RPC encryption in Outlook 2007, follow these steps: These steps should enable the RPC encryption in your group policy editor for Outlook 2007. I will attach the logs next time it happens.

... please diagnose and fix the Outlook issue by running Microsoft Support and Recovery Assistant for Office 365.

Thanks for your feedback, it helps us improve the site. The symptoms you are seeing do sound similar to other cases I have seen where IPv6 was the issue. Thanks and Best Regards, I have also reinstalled Windows 10 Anniversary Edition and the problem still occurs. Connection to Microsoft Exchange has been lost. Connection to Microsoft Exchange has been lost.

Users are on different switches so it doesn't seem like faulty hardware. 7 hours up and no problems so far. However, if you’re using Outlook 2007 or 2010, the process is going to be a little longer.

Moved 5 of the worst users to a new mail store. Thanks for marking this as the answer. outlook 2010, windows 7, exchange server: "The action cannot be completed. Does this issue occurs on all the Outlook 2007 users? Any thoughts out there? the .ost is just the cache of the mailbox. When i open "mail" and look at the troubled account is says: outlook mail.