Pesticide product registrations can be cancelled for several reasons. All pesticides registered in Canada, including for agricultural, forestry and domestic uses, undergo this level of scrutiny. If you are still unsure with some definitions, don’t hesitate to search them here with our crossword solver. Termites can damage buildings, invasive weeds can destroy sensitive habitats, diseases can kill crops. #X8-83947901). A pesticide is any product, device, organism, substance or thing that is manufactured, represented, sold or used as a means for directly or indirectly controlling, preventing, destroying, mitigating, attracting or repelling any pest. En savoir plus sur les navigateurs que nous supportons. Copper Acetoarsenite 6. The studies are conducted either by the applicants or by independent third party laboratories, and they must be conducted in compliance with internationally accepted study protocols and Good Laboratory Practice. Health Canada collects and assesses incident reports for registered pesticides as part of its Incident Reporting Program. Manufacturers are required by law to report to Health Canada any incident information they receive related to their product. If you have questions about this, or any pesticide-related topic, please call NPIC at 1-800-858-7378 (8:00am - 12:00pm PST), or email at This is a coordinated approach of preventing pest problems by monitoring the number and types of pests in or around your home and using pest control techniques that do not always resort to using a pesticide. You may also report an incident directly to Health Canada by calling the Pest Management Information Service at 1-800-267-6315.

Restricted-use products must include a text box on the front panel of the product label indicating, "Restricted Use Pesticide.". During the assessment process, Health Canada scientists cross-check the data as an additional measure of validating the study results. University and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (cooperative agreement If there is strong evidence that exposure to a pesticide causes Parkinson's disease, cancer, other serious illness or negative environmental effects then regulatory action will be taken. They undergo required training, testing and continuing education. Pesticides under federal regulation are organized into four distinct classes, based on where, when and by whom they may be applied: First, applicants that wish to sell a pesticide in Canada must submit very detailed tests and studies that examine the potential risks posed to health and the environment and the product's value.