This contribution is made from my personal funds, not from an account maintained by a corporation, labor union, or national bank, and is not being reimbursed by another person or entity. There are too many hands out, too many mouths at the trough, and too much downside for anything but the conspiracy of silence on Trump's campaign finances to win out. But thanks to a combination of staggering fundraising and low spending, he entered the final two months of the campaign with $466 million available, compared to Trump’s $325 million. Miller is the subject of a lawsuit seeking back child support payments by a 2016 campaign subordinate who is raising their son in Florida. During that cycle, former New York Senator Hillary Clinton and groups aligned with her raised $88 million from the securities and investment industry, while Trump took in just $20.8 million. Copyright © 2020.

WASHINGTON ― President Donald Trump forced both his current and former campaign managers to take pay cuts in the last two months, but nevertheless funneled another quarter-million dollars into his own cash registers. Updated 1658 GMT (0058 HKT) September 25, 2020. If you get any interesting ― or suspicious! All the overhead — the offices, the employees, the computers, the consultants — has to be paid for. “I can pay them however I want to pay them,” he said at the time. ― campaign mailers, robocalls or hear anything else you think we should know about, email us at President Trump is promising four more years of low taxes, light regulation and a laser-focus on the stock market. One.

Mexico's richest man lives a surprisingly frugal life for a billionaire. Once it hit Brad's bank account, the money could have gone anywhere and to anyone. Obama raised just $19.4 million from the industry during that cycle. Take a look at the life of Carlos Slim, who owns Sears Mexico and has lived in the same house for 40 years.

Bradley Parscale, the previous campaign manager whose consulting firm had been receiving $47,797 a month from the Trump campaign for the past year, saw that figure drop to $32,797 in August. Part of HuffPost Politics. It can't afford them. All rights reserved.For reprint rights. Personally." We want to know what you’re hearing on the ground from the candidates.

Dow Jones: The Dow Jones branded indices are proprietary to and are calculated, distributed and marketed by DJI Opco, a subsidiary of S&P Dow Jones Indices LLC and have been licensed for use to S&P Opco, LLC and CNN. What it tells him, in its "Matrix"-like way, is that he is presiding over the worst campaign-finance fiasco in American political history.

Market indices are shown in real time, except for the DJIA, which is delayed by two minutes. Trump launched his reelection effort the same day he was sworn in, January 20, 2017. But a CNN Business analysis of OpenSecrets research shows that Biden is beating Trump in fundraising from all of America's big banks — in some cases by wide margins. In the last three-plus years, the campaign has raised and spent nearly $1 billion.

And yet the fact that Trump has been outraised so badly — by a wider margin so far than Republicans were outraised in 2008 or 2016 — is surprising because analysts warn that his opponent could be a nightmare for Wall Street. Even as his reelection operation lost a once-dominating fundraising advantage to Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden, new filings with the Federal Election Commission show that Trump’s campaign and the Republican National Committee spent another $203,000 at his hotel a few blocks from the White House and another $37,542 to rent space at his Trump Tower in Manhattan ― although the campaign is based at a high-rise in Arlington, Virginia. All times are ET. The fundraising totals suggest many in finance have decided they can live with a Biden presidency, even if that risks smaller paychecks. In a video posted on Facebook, Caputo, who worked on Donald Trump's 2016 campaign, said the ad blitz was "demanded of me by the president of the United States. This tells us two things. Today is National Voter Registration Day!

Chances are that's the last thing he needs. “Everybody thought when Trump opened his reelection campaign the day of his inauguration that he would have a huge financial advantage,” said Brendan Fischer, a lawyer with the watchdog group Campaign Legal Center. D onald Trump has not given a dime to his reelection campaign, opting instead to fund the entire effort with his donors’ money. That means Trump is losing the fundraising race among Wall Streeters by a slightly greater magnitude than in 2016.

History proves it, even narrowly trailing Biden in fundraising from real estate. That would signal a continuation of light regulation and low taxes. Fischer’s group filed a complaint with the FEC in July, accusing the Trump campaign of violating election law by using private firms like Parscale’s to hide the amounts and purposes of payments. Sheila Krumholz, executive director for the Center for Responsive Politics, which runs OpenSecrets, said Wall Street could have a certain comfort level with Biden. Not only did Biden serve as vice president for eight years, but for decades he represented Delaware, a state that is home to major credit card companies.