[4] Ibid., 408-409; James W.J. "Rule, Britannia, Britannia rules the waves," goes a classic British song — and this rule extends beneath the waves, too. Bowden's Blog, Will Wynne Pull a Harper? Bill Hadgkiss, 2342 Moody Ave. Kamloops, BC. The Queen's knights: not nearly this cool. The anti-constitutional activists boast as of 5 April 2012 that they have collected 2,675 signatures and intend to amass at least 5,000. ", Cowper-Coles continued: "His nervousness only increased as the Queen, an army driver in wartime, accelerated the Land Rover along the narrow Scottish estate roads, talking all the time. This caused some worry ahead of this year's General Election. Unilateral dissolution would mean that the Governor General dissolves Parliament without any prime ministerial advice. The governor general has the absolute right to dismiss a prime minister, a right conferred upon his office by King George VI. How could Her Majesty, as the chief of Canada, do nothing? When you're the British head of state, one birthday just isn't enough. She can indirectly by dissolving Parliament but that would be against the ideals of democracy and would turn the nation against her thus spelling the end of her and the monarchy. King Charles I ruled for 11 years without Parliament, between 1629 and 1640 in what became known as the “Personal Rule” or the “11 Years’ Tyranny.” He then summoned a parliament in the spring of 1640, known as The Short Parliament, because he dissolved it in frustration three weeks later. If the GG wanted to get rid of Harper, there are means to do it. Where My Work Has Been Cited (2011-Present), 4. James, you do history a great disservice. The Senior Correspondence Officer of Buckingham Palace wrote back on 24 February 2012: Her Majesty has taken note of the views you express but I should explain that there is no question of The Queen dismissing the Canadian Prime Minister or dissolving Parliament as you suggest. But this still means that when the British government declares war, or regulates the civil service, or signs a treaty, it is doing so only on her authority. The Duke of Marlborough has to present a small satin flag with a Fleur de Lys on August 13, the anniversary of the Battle of Blenheim. (Kingston: Institute of Intergovernmental Relations, School of Policy Studies, Queen’s University, 2012). Bowden's Blog, The Macdonald-Laurier Institute’s Debate on Prime Ministerial Power: Andrew Coyne vs. Sheila Copps | By James W.J. A unilateral dissolution on the part of the Queen of Canada or the Governor General of Canada would therefore be a wholly unconstitutional act. [8] Peter H. Russell, Two Cheers for Minority Government: The Evolution of Canadian Parliamentary Democracy (Toronto: Emond Montgomery Publications, 2008):15-25. You’re committing the fundamental error of assuming that the Constitution is that which is written. The Queen does not have to pay tax, but she has been voluntarily paying income tax and capital gains tax since 1992.