There's an append action in Access that allows you

In this example from 2013 using SharePoint Online. @bronniecplaceThank you for looking for answers on this topic.

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REST API is intended for remote applications (i.e. I have a SharePoint that has list and I need to be able to update this list with new values from an Excel sheet (using VBA). Code: Sub UpdateSPList() Dim ws As Worksheet Dim objListObj As ListObject Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(1) Set objListObj = ws.ListObjects("MITSC_ProductList") objListObj.UpdateChanges xlListConflictDialog End Sub Create and optimise intelligence for industrial control systems. the answer to this question is now well detailed on the original thread.
Now i would like to do the other way around - update some list in my Excel file, and send them back to sharepoint to update the list, using VBA only. In my case it is, This creates new local Access database, Give it a name. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Getting data from a SharePoint list uses a feature called Power Query: Connect to a SharePoint List (Power Query). The workflow action will read the data from the excel then copy to the list items. There is a very simple solution and it can help you. June 01, 2020.

6. 09:40 PM You can try with REST API feature in SharePoint 2010. It depends on the usage scenario (one-time run or periodical, update by recreating all items, adding new, update existing by the key, should the list structure be the same or dynamic, amount of data, all of these make sense). For example, if I have an inventory list in excel that is set to export to SharePoint, can I edit prior rows (maybe like a quantity column that has how many of the item I have on hand) and have Excel recognize that the change needs to update an existing row and not create a new row. If you are looking for something that is connected with Excel and a SharePoint list that allows data changes, I’ll be posting about how to make this happen in the next few days. With approach 1 and 2, you will see number issues in SharePoint. PowerShell. 5. Create a free website or blog at

Moving for a new job in England from Germany during Corona. and provide real-time data access. This error won't occur.
This is a much better way to import Excel data.

Type Alt+7 then space then @ sign (using 7 on numeric keypad), Thank you, AliGW!

How do I announce us to the entire galaxy? How satisfied are you with this response? This blog explains different methods to export data from Excel to a SharePoint List. Great! Swapping out our Syntax Highlighter, Import Excel Sheet and append items to SharePoint list, Best approach for updating a list - one way from Excel, Automate exporting SharePoint list 2010 items to Excel 2010, Editing list in Excel and save to existing Sharepoint list, SharePoint list not accepting copied excel data. You'll need to use a date or flag column in the spreadsheet to track which ones have been done and update it in the loop. I realized that I wanted to put the data into a SharePoint list without having to deal with copying and pasting into datasheet mode. Because O365 is a collection of disparate software that is not properly integrated, this isn't possible out of the box. For basic cases one can use Excel's export to SharePoint list feature or inline editing feature and copy pasting for small data amount.

You can use Get Rows from Excel if you store the file in a doc library or OneDrive and then add a create item in SharePoint. Check the box if you want to create a read-only connection to the SharePoint list. If you are looking for something that is connected with Excel and a SharePoint list that allows data changes, I’ll be posting about how to make this happen in the next few days. This feature is only available to subscribers of Office 365 for enterprise (for comparison, here are subscriptions that fall under the Office 365 for business category).