Quaker does not add glyphosate during any part of the milling process. The nonprofit Environmental Working Group found traces of weed-killer in breakfast foods like Cheerios and Quaker Oats products. Once the oats … Studies suggest that glyphosate-sprayed crops such as wheat and oats are a major contributor to glyphosate in the daily diet. Glyphosate is a synthetic biocide and probable human carcinogen, with … The highest level of glyphosate found by the lab was 2,837 ppb in Quaker Oatmeal Squares breakfast cereal, nearly 18 times higher than EWG’s children’s health benchmark. Consumers have filed a lawsuit in New York and California against the owner of Quaker Oats, alleging that their oatmeal contains traces of the pesticide glyphosate. Three samples of Cheerios® had glyphosate levels ranging from 470 ppb to 530 ppb. Quaker Old Fashioned Oats 3 tests averaged 930 parts per billion. Monsanto pesticides, including Roundup, have been found in Cheerios and a variety of other oat-based foods. Glyphosate is commonly used by farmers across the industry who apply it pre-harvest. Tests have detected it in all but two of 45 non-organic product samples. The New York Times, forever a defender of Monsanto and GMOs, is blatantly lying to its readers by claiming the glyphosate found in Quaker Oats is nothing more than "traces." Quaker Oats, despite their labels, do contain something other than whole, rolled oats; namely, Quaker Oats contain glyphosate.

Monsanto fallout: How Cheerios and Quaker Oats responded to glyphosate in cereal reports [Photos: Flickr user theimpulsivebuy ; PublicDomainPictures /Pixabay] By Melissa Locker 1 minute Read

Previous research suggests that glyphosate, the active ingredient in Monsanto’s Roundup, is linked to the development of non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma. The Quaker Oats glyphosate testing was performed by an independent laboratory in California, which found glyphosate traces at a level of 1.18 parts per million while sampling Quaker Oats Quick 1-Minute product. Quaker is serving up wholesome goodness in delicious ways from Old Fashioned Oats, Instant Oats, Grits, Granola Bars, etc. Oat-Based Samples that Exceeded 400ppb on Average. Glyphosate is not “Natural" or “100 Percent Natural." The bad news? Quaker Oats, despite their labels, do contain something other than whole, rolled oats; namely, Quaker Oats contain glyphosate. New EWG Tests Find Glyphosate in All Cheerios and Quaker Oats Cereals Sampled

“There is nothing unlawful about Quaker Oats’ growing and processing methods,” the suit reads.