Sabja seeds are very nutritious and are especially high in protein. Method: Take soaked basil seeds (1tsp), toned milk (1 glass) and vanilla for flavor. Along with weight loss, sabja seeds fiber content are also found to improve metabolic and cardiovascular health.

From being rich in dietary fibers to being low in calories, weight loss through sabja seeds is indeed a good idea. So this was all about sabja seeds and their role in weight loss. If you know more about sabja seeds and ways to make these elements interesting for consumption, please send in your thoughts and recipes in the comment section below. Wait till they swell and form a gel-like consistency. The leaves of the plant have amazing smell that I completely love. And also please tell me the pros and cons of having these seeds.

Usually if you soak just a tsp of sabja it will really swell up to almost 1/4 cup and sabja seeds are very filling so it is really hard to over consume sabja seeds but still I would suggest not over consuming it. My favorite all time recipe with sabja seeds is jigirthanda. You have a wonderful healthy drink minus the sugar. To use, take the sabja seeds in a cup and pour boiling hot water till the seeds are completely immersed. A B.Tech. Interesting Sherbet Recipe Using Sabja Seeds, 6 tbsp Rooh Afza/rose syrup/strawberry syrup. So try this today! Usually 100 grams of sabja seeds costs around 45 rupees whereas 100 grams of chia seeds cost around 180 rupees! At night soak one table spoon of rock salt in 750ml water. Nowadays my sister teases me that I visit her only for eating jigirthanda. I would suggest not consuming more than 1 tbsp of sabja seeds (not soaked) per day as it usually leads to stomach bloating. Suggestions offered by doctors on Lybrate are of advisory nature i.e., for educational and informational purposes only. The 50% content of linolenic acid in the sabja seeds offers it a good content of omega 6 fatty acids which are considered good fatty acids and also offer anti-inflammatory properties which help in curbing inflammation and obesity in the human body. So this was all about sabja seeds and their role in weight loss. Doing this will control your appetite thus reducing your calorie intake during your meals. But you can also buy it online too but it might be more expensive when you buy sabja seeds online. Another highly attractive aspect of sabja seeds is that they are low in calories and high on vital nutrients. The statistics and figures must add value to the articles.

Articles should never make claims like “Truweight cures or treats certain diseases”. To make sabja seed drink for reducing body heat, add a tbsp of soaked sabja seeds to a cup of milk along with little rose petal jam.