We want you to join us in making a difference and support our work. During the 1990s Anti-Slavery, an original supporter of the End Child Prostitution, Pornography and Trafficking campaign (ECPAT), helped set up the UK branch. In 1840, the World Anti-Slavery Convention was organised in London that attracted delegates from around the world (including from the United States of America, in the South of which slavery was at times referred to as "our peculiar institution") to the Freemasons' Hall, London on 12 June 1840. It owes its origins to the radical element of an older Anti-Slavery Society, known as the "Agency Committee of the Society for the Mitigation and Gradual Abolition of Slavery Throughout the British Dominions", which had substantially achieved abolition of slavery in the British Empire. The United Nations’ decision to create a new Special Rapporteur on Contemporary Forms of Slavery. The ruling set a legal precedent for Niger and all other ECOWAS state to protect people from slavery. Successfully lobbied for the League of Nations inquiry into slavery, which resulted in the 1926 Slavery Convention that obliged all ratifying states to end slavery. Die Wurzeln von Anti-Slavery International reichen bis zu den ersten abolitionistischen Bewegungen um 1787 zurück. In 1921 Played a pivotal role in ending the activities of the Peruvian Amazon Company, which was using indigenous slave labour in rubber production. Statutory funders, grant-making trusts and foundations. Organised a major campaign which resulted in the United Arab Emirates freeing over 3,000 children trafficked to be used as camel jockeys, and UAE, Qatar and Kuwait abolishing the practice.

In June 2010, following the campaign by Anti-Slavery International and Liberty the UK Parliament introduced a criminal offence of forced labour in the Coroners and Justice Act 2009. Anti-Slavery International is an international non-governmental organisation, registered charity[1] and advocacy group, based in the United Kingdom. Founded in 1839, we are the oldest international human rights organisation in the world. With local NGO Timidria conducted a survey that led to the criminalisation of slavery in Niger. Developed ‘slave-free produce’ consumer action groups, promoting alternatives to slave plantation sugar. Subscribe to our newsletter to get the latest news and campaign information right to your inbox, Not for Profit website design: pedalo limited, Company Limited by Guarantee 3079904 | Registered in England and Wales.

182). ", "Apple and Nike urged to cut 'China Uighur ties, "The Anti-Slavery Society Convention, 1840", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Anti-Slavery_International&oldid=974911550, Human rights organisations based in the United Kingdom, International organisations based in London, Organisations based in the London Borough of Lambeth, Organizations that combat human trafficking, 1839 establishments in the United Kingdom, Articles with unsourced statements from June 2017, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, 1993: End Child Prostitution in Asian Tourism (ECPAT), 1996: Regional Indigenous Organisation of Atalaya (OIRA), 2001: Association for Community Development (ACD), 2005: Cecilia Flores-Oebanda, (Visayan Forum Foundation), This page was last edited on 25 August 2020, at 19:20.

We have a long history of making a difference and we continue to make it today. This form of modern slavery is one of the most common and may affect the most people: it is estimated that between 500,000 and 800,000 victims enter the trade each year. In the 21st century it worked with Nepalese NGO INSEC to secure Government backing to abolish the Kamaiya form of bonded labour; in 2003 with local NGO Timidria conducted a survey that led to the criminalisation of slavery in Niger, and lobbied the Brazilian government to introduce a National Plan for the Eradication of Slavery. Der Einsatz dieser Bewegungen führte dazu, dass im Vereinigten Königreich von Großbritannien und Irland der Sklavenhandel1807 abgeschafft wurde, und 1833 folgte das Verbot der Sklaverei als Ganzes.

In the UK, it successfully lobbied to make trafficking of sexual and labour exploitation a criminal offence in 2004. Helped establish the Human Rights Fund for Indigenous People. We have had a clear and unerring focus since the very beginning – do everything we can to bring an end to slavery in all its forms, everywhere it …

Helped establish the Brussels Act, the first comprehensive anti-slavery treaty, which allowed the inspection of ships and the arrest of anyone transporting slaves.