The reason I said this option used to be popular is because it is being replaced by Option 3 which I describe below.

OpenText Intelligent Capture (Captiva) 7.6 Nearing End Of Primary Support: Why Should You Upgrade! The values they needed to compare were contained in two choice columns, each of which had many more values than what was to be included in the filters.

Today I would like to describe and explain all the three options to you. If you just query for Species = Dog, your query will be throttled. As it turned out, the solution that worked best for my customer was number three. If you have a SharePoint website, you can configure SharePoint filter lists to pass value to a “list-View-Web-Part”. Did this make sense to anyone?

If your organization is still on version 8.1 SP1 or earlier now is best time to start…, Documentum Content Server 7.3 which is the main component of the Documentum Stack is reaching the end of Primary (Standard) support and is therefore moving into Sustaining support. Kofax Capture 10.0, 10.1, and 10.2 Nearing End Of Support: It’s Time To Upgrade. CAML is case sensitive. When he views this list, he will see all current list items that are associated with Branch 12 as his default view. Terms of Service   Privacy Policy, Address: 16 Mt. Click down arrow on web part and click "connection" and select your list.

The fact that I am “pretty sure” says quite a bit for the progress made …, With everyone dealing with the affects of the Corona Virus COVID-19, remote working has become a hot topic. If you have SharePoint on premises, Option 2 is your best friend!

The first thing to understand is that the filters in SharePoint’s list view GUI do not respect the standard order of operations which says AND statements should be evaluated before OR statements. My questions then is; “Is there a workaround?” I read the post about using javascript to update the number of days until the task due date (, but cannot figure out how to get apply that method to my list. Create, change, or delete a view of a list or library. In SharePoint 2016, 2013, 2010, or SharePoint Classic experience, do the following: Click the List or Library tab, select the view under Current View, and then click Modify View. Page-Field filter – This filter provides the ultimate value of columns on a list row that is associated with a particular page. Any of you who have grappled with this challenge in the distant past may have found the answers you needed in a brilliant post at Nothing But SharePoint ( If you are attempting to create a view with three filter criteria with a mix of OR and AND; or if you need more than three criteria but only one comparison requires an OR operation; then you are in luck.

Perhaps they are looking to streamline their document management process. I had already read the post that you recommend.

If there are more than 5000 items returned, the query is throttled. (Haven’t checked this so maybe typos – but will get you on the right track). The problem is that the possibilities to filter the indicator does not allow using [Today]. You can use math to get ranges that change with today's date. When Using a SharePoint filter list in an ecommerce website, you can adjust and modify how customers buy products from your website. But even in this case, you still need to specify as the first column in the filter the column that most likely returns the lesser amount of data.

in the filter, but alas its not quite that simple! To create a new view, select the name of the current view, and then choose Save view as from the menu options. SharePoint selects the first indexed column in a query, and then uses the rest of the columns to select your data. You can come back and change this later. ————– —–