SOY-FREE: Just be sure to choose a soy-free cereal. Preheat your oven to 350F. Thanks! Sodium phosphate refers to a group of phosphorus-derived food additives. Learn how your comment data is processed.

I do not adhere to a purely vegan diet but saw that this question was being asked a lot online!

That type of Vitamin D is derived from lanolin which is found in sheep’s wool.

These goodies are low in sugar, all natural, and vegan, but you’d never know it. Add more cereal. The verdict is that Cinnamon Toast Crunch is not vegan because of one pesky ingredient, Vitamin D3. Happy crunching! These vegan crispy cereal squares can hold up at room temperature but also keep well in the fridge. They will continue to crisp the longer they cool. Ready in 10 minutes of active time. Classic Cinnamon Toast Crunch contains Vitamin D3, which is not vegan.

Much obliged.

While the only cereal I regularly eat in adulthood is Grape Nuts, I had a serious Cinnamon Toast Crunch problem in my teens. If you continue to use this site, you agree to the use of cookies. With 4 base ingredients, these cinnamon toast cereal crispy treats are like a fancier rice crispy treat, totally crowd-pleasing and quick to make.

BHT added to preserve freshness. I don’t know about you, but I had a serious Cinnamon Toast Crunch addiction in my teen years. Cinnamon Toast Crunch (CTC), known as Croque-Cannelle in French Canada and Curiously Cinnamon in the UK (previously Cinnamon Grahams), and as a variant called Cini Minis in other European and Latin American countries, is a brand of breakfast cereal produced by General Mills and Nestlé.The cereal was first produced in 1984. Combine oats, brown rice crisps, cashews, salt, and cinnamon in a mixing bowl and mix. Unlike the commercial brand, this Vegan Cinnamon Toast Crunch is made with REAL ingredients that you can actually pronounce. It's a shame because there are vegan versions of Vitamin D available and many companies use this form in vegan products like soy milk.

Repeat steps 2 and 3 until entire box of cereal is gone. Cinnamon Toast Crunch is one of my all-time favorite cereals. Adapted from white chocolate almond butter rice crispy treats. A round of applause for your blog article.Much thanks again. Press Esc to cancel. In other words, despite Cinnamon Toast Crunch not being vegan, you still have plenty of options to choose from that not only taste the same, but that are vegan and healthier for you.,, What can you recommend I replace the date sugar or monk fruit with? In fact, there is no reason why General Mills can't use a vegan version in their cereal to appeal to more people. I’m Natalya, personal trainer, fitness nutrition specialist, and creator of the Healthiir blog.