Long live my family! The students can be asked to state the qualities of their siblings.

Hence this pandemic is although a disaster for many of us as it is continuously snatching our dear ones from us yet proved a blessing in disguise to make us revalue our stances for us before it is too late. Your email address will not be published. World hepatitis day is aimed to raise awareness of the viral disease of hepatitis and …, Pingback: Father's Day in India : Date, Celebrations, Activities, Gifts, Quotes, Speech, Pingback: Father's Day in Pakistan : Date. International Family Day is celebrated on 15th May every year since 1994. International Day by Year and Theme: NEW>> 2020: Families in Development: Copenhagen & Beijing + 25. Every year they provides an opportunity to promote awareness of issues relating to families and to increase knowledge of the social, economic and demographic processes affecting families. The Theme of the Day was firstly proffered by the UN in 1996 and on-wards.

All rights reserved. Family' is a single word, with many different meanings. Love to see the reunited families and their smiles. Every year, the day is used as a platform to highlight the various issues plaguing families around the world and measures that can be taken to resolve these and build euphony. As far as this pandemic has brought disaster to our socioeconomic system, it has also made us think about the value of family lost in the hustle of modernization. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment.

Decorating your home or organizing your family photo album with help of family is so cute job.
UN through this theme has attempted to re-visualize the seized development of families, lacking which has dispersed our society apart.

They are backed by the governments of several countries who organise activities and events pertaining to the occasion.

When is World Family Day Celebrated in 2020? A family has a worth of foundation-pillar in the development of society as social laws and norms are the anticipated form of family bonding and strength. He took to social media to share a photo of his family and captioned it as, “Family has an important role in building a peaceful, healthy and value based society.”, Family has an important role in building a peaceful, healthy and value based society.Read my facebook post on the occasion of International Day of Families.https://t.co/FgQu7CjHJJ pic.twitter.com/znRIlTIDYh.

International Family Day was proclaimed by the UN General Assembly in 1993.
Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, where the world is supposed to live inside the homes, the annual observance of the International Day of Families 2020 in the United Nations Headquarters New York will be conducted on-line. As the wise say that there is always a bright side to every dark thing in this case we are luck to have a bright side that we are spending lockdown time with our families. CNN name, logo and all associated elements ® and © 2020 Cable News Network LP, LLLP. The International Day of Families is represented by a specific symbol of a heart that stretches upwards and forms the roof of a house, the heart is then engraved in a green circle. International Day of Families 2020: History, theme, quotes Family' is a single word, with many different meanings.

Friday, 15 May 2020 is the date for International Day of Families 2020. Our blood relations are providing us relief, they have even embraced us when the world where we always struggled spared us. Families in Development: Copenhagen & Beijing + 25 In spite of their busy schedules, they know our activities inside and outside the home.