Cookies | They finally relented in 2018 and reinstated the vibrantly-colored fruity shapes. From 1991 to 2006, the cereal morphed into incredibly popular fruity shapes (via NBC Chicago). Sauces | Snacks | eat a Twinkie for breakfast - it has about as much sugar. {���6[\YǗ�듋k���y~�\�-޼����~�Ik�&�FkP�$��������X���?�������͉utu2�f�_N��w�������ͻ�x�H�b�1;��F��Z� �a�����`�ٮ��8��� ������>�U�Z�*]s-���5�����Qr���v�[���B�p6e.���1(1�t���׿��%R��vw�V�-�U��l]#M#y.��0�fy�֚��!l� ,��p�0/p��. Desserts | However, the Trix of yesteryear isn't quite the same as the Trix you'll find on the store shelves today and neither is the Trix rabbit. When the cereal first hit the shelves, it boasted that "no sugar was needed." Carrot Stacks  | Even with the icing, that's so much less sugar. %PDF-1.5

Trix is the sister cereal to Kix — yes, really (via Cartoon Research). Vegetables | These days, Trix is still one of General Mills' most-recognizable cereal brands, and the Trix rabbit itself remains a fixture with the breakfast cereal.

Shakes/Smoothies  | Snacks | 4 0 obj The cereal consists of fruit-flavored, sweetened, ground-corn pieces. Trix has been around for so long that it's probably fair to assume most people just think it was created as a standalone cereal.

Trix is a brand of breakfast cereal made by General Mills in Minneapolis, Minnesota, for the North American market and by Cereal Partners (using the Nestlé brand) elsewhere in the world. Cookies | These taste better than Pop Tarts too. 1 0 obj

<> The rabbit, of course, is always having his bowl of cereal swiped by some pesky kids who laugh in his face and tell him "Silly, rabbit, Trix are for kids!".

However, the Trix of yesteryear isn't quite the same as the Trix you'll find on the store shelves today and neither is the Trix rabbit.

Fruits The cereal's high sugar content, along with its cartoon rabbit, made the cereal an instant hit with the kiddos. Percentage of calories from sugar: 31%. One Pop Tart, one serving.

Dig’em! It actually took some time for the Trix rabbit to reach his final form, with some of those early versions of the rabbit on the box looking more like a stuffed animal than the cartoon rabbit we know today (via Twitter). 2 0 obj © 2020 TRIX. The 10 healthiest cereals are made with whole grains, have low or no added sugar, and strike the right balance of fiber and protein, making them a well-balanced start to your day.

endobj NON-ACCEPTABLE CEREALS (all 25.7% total sugar or higher) TOTAL SUGAR PRODUCT milled grain products to approximate levels normally present in MANUFACTURER %DRY WEIGHT Almond Delight Ralston 28.2 Alpha Bits … The cereal's high sugar content, along with its cartoon rabbit, made the cereal an instant hit with the kiddos. The cereal also contains trans fats, which can increase your risk of developing heart disease, stroke, or diabetes. Beverages | endobj Cheerios Cereal 1 Serving (1 cup/28g) Sugars, total: 1g Calories, total: 100 Calories from sugar: 4: A "serving" vs. a real bowlful.

Breakfast Foods |

Beverages | The very first boxes of Trix didn't even have a mascot, but simply displayed the colorful cereal itself. Aside from the bright, fruity cereal itself, probably the most recognizable thing about Trix is its mascot — the Trix rabbit. "Kids of the '90s can rejoice, their fruity shapes are back in Trix," General Mills marketing director Scott Baldwin said.