This concert was filmed live and sold in a DVD format at the product table on the tour. This article completely misinterpreted Judge Debevoise’s opinion and in fact confused the impostor groups with the authentic artists.

This also untied the hands of the NJ AG’s office and allowed them to take further action to enforce the law in the future.

274 Tracks. As I’m sure you all know, the great pioneer Herb Reed passed away in early June, but he had the satisfaction of knowing that he had won The Platters’ name and that injunctions against the impostor groups were likely. Truth In Music. I hope to have passed all 50 states by 2011, 2012 at the latest. Some of the major promoters of what we believe to be impostor groups had sued the New Jersey Attorney General for attempting to enforce the state’s Truth in Music Law.

The end. The tour also included the traditional Christmas Spectacular section from Thanksgiving until December 21, which was to be the final Truth concert, in Dallas, Texas. There has been a bit of confusion about this court decision, created by a rather poorly researched article in the New Jersey Law Journal. This will damage these perpetrators of some of the most egregious impostor group scams where it hurts them the most– in the pocketbook!

This is much more efficient and cost-effective than any other way of dealing with this very specialized area. An upcoming show at the Atlantic City Hilton featuring what we believe to be impostor groups has been abruptly cancelled by either the hotel or the promoters! We have no idea what will happen there, but trust of course that the state of Nevada will ultimately enforce its consumer laws in the proper fashion. The song was sung as a duet with the rest of the group singing back-up, and it appeared on the 1982 album Keeper of My Heart. Truth (American band).
Dear Fans, As many of you already know, I am Chairman of the Truth in Music Committee at the Vocal Group Hall of Fame. This will be a good public relations vehicle to educate the public if nothing else. Twin River in Rhode Island turned a show into a “tribute” when the venue was not convinced the lineup in question could pass muster under Rhode Island’s Truth in Music Law. Formed by John Roger Breland, the ensemble's name stands for "Trust, Receive, Unchangeable, True Happiness [in Jesus]". Formed by John Roger Breland, the ensemble's name stands for "Trust, Receive, Unchangeable, True Happiness [in Jesus]". The song rose to number one on the Contemporary Christian chart. 240 F.3d 184). Judge Denise Cote has opined that the rights of original Marvelettes Katherine Anderson Schaffner and the estate of Gladys Horton are superior to those of Larry Marshak, which should ultimately end Marshak’s decades-old attempt to usurp The Marvelettes’ name. Congratulations to the excellent lawyers at Reed Smith New York who handled this case pro bono, most notably lead litigator Kerren Zinner and her associates Pamela Schoenberg and Andrew Messite. Songs by Truth start at $0.99.

‎Listen to songs and albums by Truth, including "The Ark," "Krunk," "Look Around," and many more. Listen to trailer music, OST, original score, and the full list of popular songs in the film.

We have succeeded in passing a law to help protect you, the consumer, from impostor groups that are trying to pass themselves off as the real thing in live performances. All in all, a remarkable period of progress for Truth in Music. Preliminary injunctions have been issued against the Larry Marshak group(s) and the Monroe Powell group.
Truth (American band). Congratulations to Cindy Salvo for her outstanding legal work in Marshak v. Treadwell.

New Hampshire should be completed soon, and Kansas, Oregon and North Carolina are in progress. His corporation, Herb Reed Enterprises, is able to continue his legacy and the legacy of The Platters with the proper quality control that the public deserves. The Truth in Music Law is designed to stop unscrupulous concert promoters from deceiving the public with “impostor groups” which have no connection, legal or otherwise, to the authentic groups.Fundamentally, this is a Consumer Protection Bill, as the public pays hard-earned money to see a show and has no idea what it’s even getting. In 1981, Truth had been on the road for ten years. Truth Music Cafe'. Copyright 2020 Tunefind LLC. Despite the dramatic downturn in the economy and consequent shortness of funds, we have several states in progress in the 2009 legislative session. Retrieved 12:25, July 9, 2013, from, Their main allegation was that the law was unconstitutional.