I have no tips but this makes me think of Aziz Ansari’s stand up about making plans with friends. I use the sunrise calendar because it’s syncs between my apple and non-apple products. We always have to work around each others class schedules!

Really, it’s crazy. thanks for the reminder to make the most of my current situation :). I think the key is having friends who are willing to just step up and make specific plans without having to poll the whole crowd about where, when, etc. Guilty as well, but have been trying to work on this. Lucy: What about be late?! idk if i should dress up & be all hot mommaish or dress down & be casual cool so i would love to see some suggestions! Why are we all competing to be the busiest and most-complicated? But something always comes up – job loss, new job, new boyfriend, grad school, weddings, etc… Last fall I finally said, that’s it!

That’s why I asked about dates far in advance, ladies- so we could have a GROUP discussion. It’s hard, yes. It’s rare that we are all together but it’s extra special when we are.

If we plan in advance, something will always come up or someone will bail.

Will not be brining my telephone with me so whoever wants to join is welcome”.

I wish I did.As a person who prefers to be on time, this is one of the great pangs in almost every one of my friendships. So we did a poll and found a day right away.

No pressure on time or if we go at all :). I LOVE DOODLE. I’ve recently broken off three friendships with people who can’t commit to dates and times or who cancel at the last minute.

And it leaves my days open to whatever I feel like doing, and not what I was scheduled to do. also, it’s not quite as annoying as text messaging!

so weird to think how little we will see each other once we are in the workforce and in grown up jobs – and that’s those of us who will live in the same city, let alone people in other cities! If I only wanted to talk to one person I wouldn’t have tried to make an “article club” now would I? But we’ve learned to deal with it! If they really want to make it, they’ll adjust their schedule.

My response is always “Can’t tonight, but you guys have fun!”.

My college friends and I have given up on getting *everyone* to come to something. I had suggested that the last Sunday evening of every month be “our night” as in my core group of lady friends get together. So. If you look at how people naturally make plans with their friends you'll notice there... Plans can take some work at times. SO, it only takes one email from each person and the date/dates that everyone is free are left over. “We’re doing brunch on this day at this time at this place — come if you can!” Is much easier than “Who wants to get brunch at some point at some place?” :).

That’s definitely what it’s like trying to schedule girls night out (or in) with my mom and sisters.

Doodle is the only way that’s worked for me with larger groups. My girlfriends and I try to go out once a month. OHMYGOSH! I feel like a lot of people these days have terrible etiquette around making plans, canceling at the last minute or presenting their schedules as if they don’t have time for you or for anything fun (read: non-work). :/.

Second, I don’t really like making commitments! I’m having such a hard time imagining the opportunity to take a night to just hang with friends. True!

I’m a big fan of impromptu hang outs. Activity depends on weather and family circumstances.
She said she believes that having text/email/other means of constant communication—helpful as they usually are—seem also to have made us a lot flightier, since we know we can just reschedule, even last minute. This hits very close to home! I think when you live in a big city there is an odd thing that happens, everyone needs to PLAN everything all the time. Is nothing SACRED? I don’t really have that problem, because we are all so used to using Doodle, and it is sacred. It’s low drama and we hang out all the time!

In order to spend time with friends now, I have to discuss it with the friends almost a month in advance.


Just come next time, I still want to have fun! It sounds like a religious meeting, but they’re actually just really good friends, they drink wine, gossip, and have fun together. May 2015!
I was just having a conversation about this with a member of an older generation this weekend.

You suggest a few days, and then everyone checks off which days they’re free (or not).

This happens to me ALL THE TIME!!!!