Watch Queue Queue. This sounds nuts but my core group and I, (We suck, we range from .76 to me at 1.08 KD in Warzone) notice if we win a match the next entire day of matches is against people we literally cannot compete against by 4th circle. They will remove it on warzone when numbers start taking a nose dive. Pick one. Just be glad you can still play the game. I play with 3 friends that are well below a 1KD and I find that there is substantial skill level difference for the first few games and I can get a lot of kills, but after awhile the SBMM feels like it tightens up more to my level and my friends are completely outmatched in every gunfight. wait, you thought warzone was fun in the first place? I definitely understand I’m leaps and bounds below a lot of these kids playing Warzone but I just wish there was a fun, casual playlist I could play instead of sweating it out in Trios/Quads. It has not been fun like the first few weeks we got into this game. WZ is really not enjoyable at the moment for my team mates or myself. is this why 1.1kd players can get into the highest skilled lobbies? They should have a ranked mode for when you want to be a sweaty sweat and then relax with the SBMM, I guess I understand how they cater to less skilled players but why does it have to be so strong to the point where you have to sweat so hard to win even one gunfight? With that said, there’s really nothing we can do about it. Some games just have more staying power because they're timelessly fun. From now on I will be checking if games contain sbmm before I get them. To be honest, I didn’t even think 1.6 was average in Warzone. Its killing gaming for me. Exactly me and my groups feelings. The worst thing though, is the Sbmm. When I wanna fuck around I go play blood money. Like others have said, i hit that wall, and now my squad which used to get 50+ kill winns consecutively, can barely get a win.

I'm not seeing that kind of longevity here. This was the week that I hit that wall. Playing with friends who aren’t close your skill level is impossible unless you want to be responsible for hard carrying while your friends have a miserable experience. I want to matched up against all the players. I'm at a point where I can't win, can't improve, and am just getting stomped.

I honestly don't think the cod style of play lends itself well to a battle royale, uav's, heartbeats, dead silence, ridiculously op sniping, laser beam AR's, fast ttk, air strikes, cluster strikes, silent crouch walking, even the fucking k/d killing gulag. Yeah you hit the occasional hacker or fucking legendary team who attacks you from all angles before you even realize you’re in a firefight. But I still don’t feel like it’s unfair. I won a match, one match, on Monday night. Too much to ask? Exhausting, annoying, unbalanced are a few words to describe the current in-game competition.

Unlike other previous COD titles, 1.6 KD is considered above average in this game. /r/CODWarzone is a developer-recognized community focused on the title. 1 month ago. Its just stale.

Roughly but yes. It's a little sad because I have put so much time in the game but I've hit a wall I just can't get past. In my opinion, there’s not a massive skill difference between someone with a 1.2KD and a 1.6KD, but it takes an elite player to get above a 2KD and I feel like I am completely outmatched when I encounter them in Warzone. Discussion. Nobody misses shots, teams can sit on the super tall buildings and snipe you across the map. I don't have issues with SBMM as I like the competitiveness. Watch Queue Queue Quit all together(sad thought)? It's so competitive and I have nothing to show for it, not even a rank or something to work for since the developers won't even acknowledge that sbmm exists in BR (which it obviously does). This game has become a chore to play. You will never see a reward for your efforts to improve. Now, it’s just like why am I playing something that isn’t fun. Oh well, it was a blast while it lasted. your definition on SBMM is working maybe at multiplayer. Opposing players weren’t soulless sweat boys. These are my thoughts exactly, I honestly just want to do some casually in this mode, but sbmm said otherwise. All things that have no business being in a battle royale (snipers do but these are broken). In a non sbmm world, you would see your improvement. Hope treyarch will make some major improvements or this will go the way of blackout. SBMM is beyond broken. Won a solo the day before yesterday and I am still being punished for it. I know, poor me, but I just don't have fun in this game anymore. Why bother playing and trying to get better when it makes every game progressivly more sweaty and miserable. We spend more time on rocket league and are getting into Age of Empires.