All rights reserved. You can use one (or more) of the existing sight words lists and/or add your own custom words. Create crossword and word search puzzles using your own words! It supports direct printing or image export (BMP, JPG, TIF, EPS, EMF, GIF) for bar codes like Code39, ... Macrobject Word-2-CHM Professional 2009 is a powerful CHM creator/generator helping you to create professional HTML help.Create help Id (topic Id, context Id, etc.) Batch DOC TO CHM Converter supports powerful search function it can convert a lot of files in the folder. Use of this site subject to Terms and Privacy Policy. *Create crosswords and word searches with up to 10 words (60 words for full version)*Edit crossword and ... Other offerings include Crossword Forge (a crossword and word search generator), Quiz Press (a test maker), Road Trip Effect (a video effect to add to your home movies) and iota-calc (a programmer's calculator). Write to dCode!


This program makes teachers' life easy.It also includes a ready built-in puzzle collection so you won't need ... Batch DOC TO CHM Generator can convert Word DOC/DOCX ( *. You must form a sequence of words (a word ladder). Other names like word-links or laddergram are also used. and definition file automatically.Create page header/footer as in the Word document.Context-sensitive ... © 1999-2015 Shareware Junction. According to the variants, the shuffling of letters is authorized or not (as an option on this ladder maker/creator). To create a word scale automatically, dCode generates lists from the 2 words. Hover mouse pointer over (or tap) solution words for extra information. A word ladder puzzle has two words in the ladder, one at the bottom and one at the top.

mhtml*. Hover mouse pointer over (or tap) solution words for extra information. 2. docx*. a bug ? Doublets is the name given to this scale principle of words in a newspaper by Lewis Carroll, this is one of the first written records of this game.

Just enter the words, select a puzzle shape and page layout, and press a button ... Macrobject CHM-2-Word Standard is a professional CHM Extractor Convert CHM to Word and HTML help to Word. The principle of the words ladder is to list a sequence of words starting from an initial word and arriving at a final word, while creating a chain of words steps each of which differs from the previous one only by a single letter. How to get more steps or a defined number of steps. Instructions The Snakes & Ladders Board Creator creates a custom board with your words of choice. To have more steps, go through a 3rd word with the number of uncommon letters of your choice (see the changing letters tool). Thanks to your feedback and relevant comments, dCode has developped the best Word Ladder tool, so feel free to write!

Solve again to (perhaps) find alternative solutions. You choose the words, and Puzzle Maker can make a crossword and word search from them. To create a word scale semi-automatically, use the tool for changing letters in a word.

This is the place to come for a first look at the hottest new software. dCode is free and its tools are a valuable help in games, maths, geocaching, puzzles and problems to solve every day!A suggestion ? an idea ? 1. Random Word Generator v.28.0 Random WordGeneratoris a time-saving creativity aid that creates lists of random, artificial words. The number of letters of the 2 words must be identical. Random Word Generator is a time-saving creativity aid that creates lists of random, artificial words.

Beta testing is a unique opportunity to try the latest programs and provide feedback directly to the program developers. Words can be subject to certain restrictions, such as ending ... Word Search Construction Kit is a great tool for educators, students, publishers, corporate trainers and puzzle enthusiasts to quickly produce professional looking puzzles.