Modern Slavery Act Statement Registry, サステイナビジョン 代表取締役 下田屋毅 2.Stronger Together, Tackling Modern Slavery (video) You can also call the Modern Slavery Helpline on 0800 0121 700 24 hours a day. See the ‘Resources’ page for more detailed guidance on how to refer a victim of modern slavery for support. Let us know your details below to receive emails about our work, fundraising activities and appeals. Please allow three to five working days for delivery. The Independent Anti-Slavery Commissioner has expressed concern about the impact of Coronavirus on the provision of support to victims and survivors of modern slavery. © 2020 Independent Anti-Slavery Commissioner, Publication of the Independent Anti-Slavery Commissioner’s Annual Report 2019-2020, "Modern slavery by “ruthless” county lines gangs doubled during lockdown, figures show", Launch: IASC and ECPAT UK review on multi-agency decision making models, "Tighten business rules to stop slavery, urges commissioner Sara Thornton", "No supply chain is safe from slavery, says tsar".

Learn the tell-tale signs of modern slavery, and where to get help for victims. Part 4 of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 created the role of the Commissioner. Transparency in Supply Chains A practical guide 米国務省、2016年人身売買報告書 3.Guardian: Revealed: Asian slave labour producing prawns for supermarkets in US, UK (2014) Walk Free Foundation Global Slavery Index We are located in Rutland.

8. All profits from the sale of the face masks will go directly to the Victim Care Fund. ➢ それらを特定、実行し、問題がないかを確認していく。, 3. ➢ 現代の奴隷制の影響を受けているのは誰か。 If you think someone is a potential victim but there is no immediate threat to life, please call the local police on 101. 2年目は、この声明で表明した現代の奴隷制に取り組むプランに沿って、専門家を巻き込んで、どこに問題があるのかを確認していく。 英国で、2015年3月に、現代の奴隷制を防止する法律である「Modern Slavery Act 2015 (現代奴隷法)」が、制定された。この法案は企業に、サプライチェーン上の奴隷制を特定し、根絶するための手順の報告を求めるものだ。現代の奴隷制という言葉を聞いて「奴隷なんて過去のことで、自分には全然関係のない話」と感じている人が大半ではないだろうか?, しかしながら、英国には現代には奴隷制度が存在しているとされ、人身取引、強制労働、性的搾取等は大きな社会問題として認識しており、これに対応する形で、デイビッド・キャメロン首相が、「現代の奴隷制の根絶において、英国が世界をリード」することを表明、法案成立に向けて動き、世界で初めて現代奴隷制を規制する法律として制定されたのである。, 既にこの法令に則って行動が起こされているが、英国企業の状況を踏まえて日本企業がどのように対応していけばよいのかを以下お伝えしたい。, 世界において現代の奴隷労働を含む強制労働の実態はどのようになっているのだろうか。 If you think someone is in immediate danger, please call the police on 999. Independent Anti-Slavery Commissioner's Strategic Plan 2019 - 2021 here. Part 4 of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 created the role of the Commissioner. Comments by Dame Sara are featured in an article in The Times covering the recent Independent Anti-Slavery Commissioner review Operation Fort - What businesses should learn from the UK’s largest anti-slavery prosecution (June 2020).

The Independent Anti-Slavery Commissioner has closed her call for written evidence inviting anyone with practical experience and knowledge of cases involving use of the Modern Slavery Act’s Section 45 statutory defence. Share your photos online, add our frame to your Facebook profile and download our digital toolkit. If you have information you wish to give anonymously and confidentially you can call Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111. Dame Sara Thornton DBE QPM is the UK’s Independent Anti-Slavery Commissioner. Stronger Together: Toolkit Tackling Modern Slavery in Global Supply Chains – A toolkit for businesses to address risks in their global supply chains (June 2016) Welcome to the Antislavery in domestic legislation world mapping visualisation toolkit.

The UK government has announced proposed new measures to “hold businesses and public bodies accountable” for tackling modern slavery in their supply chains. In order to protect the potential victim, do not attempt to inform them of your actions. Modern Slavery Act 2015 Providing additional support to survivors and help for an independent life. create an independent anti-slavery commissioner to improve and better coordinate the response to modern slavery introduce a defence for victims of slavery and trafficking Read the Independent Anti-Slavery Commissioner's Strategic Plan 2019 - 2021 here. Anti Slavery Charities in the UK | End Slavery International Login Show your support by buying one of our #WeAreNotForSale face masks and help us raise vital funds for our Victim Care Fund. We are an anti-slavery group focused on raising awareness in the UK. In today’s world, we wear face masks to protect others but victims of slavery have been masked and silenced by those exploiting them for years. Some signs are physical, but some are much less obvious. Actions from a meeting held between the Commissioner, Gangmasters and Labour Abuse Authority (GLAA) and NGOs on labour exploitation, A note from a second meeting held between the Commissioner, GLAA and NGOs. 4. 9. Tackling modern slavery and human trafficking and supporting survivors of this shocking crime is a global priority for The Salvation Army. 2. Through generous public donations, our Victim Care Fund provides vital additional support to help survivors of slavery move on with their lives. Copyright © The Salvation Army 2020 The Salvation Army is a Christian church and registered charity in England (214779), Wales (214779), Scotland (SC009359) and the Republic of Ireland (CHY6399), The Salvation Army Territorial Headquarters, 101 Newington Causeway, London, SE1 6BN, Transporting rescued victims to a safe place, Helping potential victims get help by explaining their story to the authorities, Providing mentoring and other support in the community, Sharing your skills to aid their recovery (e.g. UK government Modern Slavery Statement published. The latest Tweets from AntiSlavery_UK (@Anti_Slavery_UK). 24 March 2020 Added statutory guidance on modern slavery: how to identify and support victims to … Modern slaves can be hard to spot. Slavery violates human rights, denying people of their right to life, freedom and security.