A team can touch the ball five times max to get it on the other side, but the regulations on volleyball vs soccer touches and points scored by touch/location make this as much of a strategy game as a sport. Just to roll with it. 100m individual time trial, the multi-bathtub race (four bathtubs racing side by side), and Synchronized Bathtubbing, which is every bit as amazing as it sounds. Events include the. Now, imagine trying to heave a 19’6″ wooden pole weighing 175 pounds! That’s legit. We have made our own top 10 list of just how crazy sports fans can get. Now more than ever you can find some weird and wonderful sports to get involved with. The race’s inventor, Gordon Greene, overheard two men arguing that a human could keep pace with a horse when traversing the country. The sport can be done individually or in teams. Even the sport’s choice to stick with “battel” after an accidental misspelling of “battle” is telling. And wouldn't polo be better if played with a goat's carcass instead of a ball? This sport is so legit that there’s a Swedish Federation of Rabbit Jumping. Debajyoti Chakraborty/NurPhoto via Getty Images. 7. Now the strange sport is regulated by the International Quidditch Association (yep, that’s real). Also known as Octopush, this sport is played worldwide and involves two teams trying to push a puck using a stick across the floor of a swimming pool into the opposing team’s goal. Words cannot describe how bizarre this sport is. When the craze reached the United States, the Rabbit Hopping Organization of America was created.

Out of all the strange sports in the world, this is the most likely to bring history buffs and sports fans together. Weird Sports Some sports are played by millions of people all around the world. Words like “weird” and “bizarre” do not come close to properly depicting this spectacle. That’s a lot of flips. For that, we can thank the Canadian entrepreneurs who managed to turn this slumber party pastime into a competitive game. Whole Earth Peanut Butter via Getty Images. Like, remember how fun hand to hand combat used to be in medieval times? Bossaball consists of two teams of four, playing to 21. It involves people riding toy horses in a gymnasium with zero intention of irony. The cheese turns into an edible wheel of death, reaching speeds up to 70 mph. Now let’s break it down. Only it’s super intense. According to Wiki, there’s even an Extreme Ironing Bureau. It’s hard to argue that, at a glance, the sport looks ridiculous as competitors whack a ball around with their bike. These strange sports – birthed from time-honored tradition, invented out of boredom and everything in between – are bizarre, wacky and wild in ways that many mainstream sports simply cannot compare.
The ninja leans in the opposite direction as the pole is falling to counterbalance the weight.