Joe Simon was born on October 11, 1913 and died on December 14, 2011. PHILADELPHIA (AP) - Joe Simon, who along with Jack Kirby co-created Captain America and was one of the comic book industry's most revered writers, artists and editors, has died at age 98. Simon wrote "Prez: First Teen President" for DC in 1973-74 as a four-issue series. They also created a western comic with adolescent leads, Boys’ Ranch, and a horror comic, Black Magic, distinguished by its lack of gore. He was the perfect bad guy, much better than anything we could have made up, so what we needed was to create his ultimate counterpart," Simon told the AP. But Mr. Simon’s most enduring character, which he created with Mr. Kirby, is that defender of (among other things) the national honor, Captain America. Between production duties, he did occasional sports and editorial cartoons for the paper. Doctor Doom's Return Proves Why He's One of Marvel's Most Brutal Villains, Raised by Wolves: How the Necromancer Became a Boogeyman, Batman: DC Reveals the Dark Knight's Most Powerful Secret Weapon, Joker War Highlights Gotham's Best Villain Pair in Comics, Hulk: The FIRST Maestro Was Another POWERHOUSE Avenger. Amongst other chart singles, Simon secured three number one hits on the US Billboard R&B chart between 1969 and 1975. He created cartoons and illustrations for the papers’ sports sections — “Drawing athletes prepared me for drawing superheroes,” he said in his autobiography — and began to write as well, covering boxing matches and other sports events. It was his inspiring creations which got me through the toughest of times. It was Hitler who provided the impetus for the character. He was also the first editor of Timely Comics, which evolved into Marvel Comics. Mr. Simon is survived by five children and eight grandchildren. Joe Simon was a comic book writer and artist. Joe Simon, a Creator of Captain America, Is Dead at 98. My condolences to the Simon family. Captain America Comics No. Amongst other chart singles, Simon secured three number one hits on the US Billboard R&B chart between 1969 and 1975. PHILADELPHIA (AP) - Joe Simon, who along with Jack Kirby co-created Captain America and was one of the comic book industry's most revered writers, artists and editors, has died at age 98. He was like a cartoon anyway.”. Saffel said that Simon, born in Rochester, N.Y., in 1913, "lived life on his terms and created incredible things in the process. I'm very sorry for the loss of Joe Simon. The duo worked hand-in-glove for years and from their fertile imaginations sprang a trove of characters, heroes, villains and misfits for several comic book companies in their Golden Age of the 1940s, including Timely, the forerunner of today's Marvel Comics; National Periodicals, the forerunner of DC; and Fawcett, among others. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. Get email updates about Joe Simon delivered directly to your inbox. He is my Super-Hero.

We extend our prayers and sympathy to John, Jim,Melissa, Gail and Lori.The Fortin FamilyKay, Larry, Marie, Pat, Ann, Kathleen,Tommy and Lucien, We're truly sorry to hear of your loss. His plaintive baritone equally conversant with R&B and country phrasing, Joe Simon married the two genres with startling success during the late '60s, adapting Nashville material to the soul sound and repeatedly coming up a winner.