Microsoft Director of Marketing, SharePoint, OneDrive, Yammer, and Stream Dan Holme recently announced the company launched a new version of Yammer.

Again, it’s on the web version for now, but they’re looking to roll it out to the mobile and desktop versions of Outlook come April to June of this year. When shared via Teams and even Outlook, they look and act exactly as they would were they viewed in Yammer. It’s when you take a closer look into what it has to offer, that you find that it fits its own niche very well—providing companies with a unique and dependable platform for employee engagement. For example, viewing images on a post throws up a pop-out gallery that you can scroll through. It’s currently set for internal users only, which makes it a powerful tool for internal comms efforts.

In times of crisis communications take centre stage in maintaining order amid the fear and uncertainty that can easily spread. Ultimately, all of these elements create a deeper sense of employee engagement and a richer employee experience.

They, in fact, work best in support of one another. First among these is the Office 365 People Card.

The redesigned app features Fluent Design and a "reimagined user experience for both web and mobile," according to Microsoft. © 2020 Pulse 2.0 LLC. Perhaps the strongest feature is a dropdown highlighting your recent work on Word, Excel and even PowerPoint which you can readily share to any relevant thread or post. This also applies to what is delivered to your Outlook inbox should you enable such notifications. Microsoft Yammer: Revitalized, Reinvigorated, Microsoft 365: An Overview of what’s to Come, Work Life After COVID-19: New Realities, New Possibilities. While each has value on its own—they can come together in a natural flow to push a full-fledged campaign. Based on their own internal research, Microsoft has found that Outlook is still its most widely used service. This allows users to put emphasis on responses however they see fit with options for bold, italic, and underlines.

As of this writing, much of the changes can be seen in the web versions of applications—such as with Outlook—but the design team has already said that a roll-out towards mobile and desktop applications is currently in the works. The ‘communities’ within Microsoft Yammer form an effective and safe gathering place for the fielding and answering of key questions and answers before, during, and after a crisis — regardless of where your employees and your HR/Comms personnel are located.
At present, in its web version, Microsoft has empowered Outlook users with a Microsoft Yammer integration that can be best described as near-native.

A great thing about webinars set up through Teams and funnelled through Microsoft Yammer is that it enables for deeper engagement via company-wide chat and comments. New Features Announced. Join communities to stay informed, connect with your peers, and gather ideas. For information on using this feature in classic Yammer, see Welcome to classic Yammer. Community managers (admins) can also pin conversations to the top of the feed. Posts and announcements, as we already mentioned, appear exactly as they would if they were viewed in Yammer.

Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. It allowed the creation of a centralized, global, and wholly online safe haven for their people. With the overhaul of the platform first being announced towards the end of last year, the similarities to Workplace from Facebook are striking.