Should flapjacks be crunchy or chewy? Hope your children enjoy this recipe as much as mine do. I accidentally ordered a COMEDY sized huge bag of oats with our weekly shop last week and it made me realise that I’d never shared this recipe before. This is a little too sweet to have every morning, but it's a nice treat now and again! ✅ Uses simple, store cupboard ingredients. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ©2020, Inc. Creamy Apple, Cinnamon and Sultana Porridge.

The apple sauce in place of some of the oil makes these muffins lighter than most. So easy, you'll make these biscuits all the time! All Rights Reserved. Leave the flapjack in the tin until it is completely cooled before cutting into sixteen squares and removing from the tin. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. I eat them at a friend’s home in England and LOVE the, So far I haven’t had any success, but need to use at least 5 cups of oats. The apple crumble filling is cooked with sugar and cinnamon. A simple covering of melted chocolate after cooking adds some sugary goodness that will be a hit with the children.

Learn how your comment data is processed. (Allowing them to cool helps them to keep their shape and means that you don't need to overcook them.). Once melted add your sugar. A very healthful muffin full of wholegrain goodness. Enjoy delicious and healthy Quaker Oats recipes the whole family will love that goes beyond a bowl of oatmeal. They really are such a simple bake to make. When do you cut the flapjacks? Preheat your oven to 170deg (fan) 150deg (conventional). Bake in the oven for 20 minutes, the edges of your flapjack should just be starting to brown, but the middle should be soft with a slight amount of wobble. Once melted add your sugar.

(You can see in my photo below that I heated this a bit too much and it split – those are the white bits – ooops. Melt your butter in a large pan over a low heat. Use gluten free oats to make them gluten free too. If you fancy some inspiration for other simple sweet treats or after school snacks then take a look at my Ultimate Banana Muffins or Microwave Brownies recipes.
In America a flapjack is actually a pancake. How long do homemade flapjacks last for? Oats recipes. ✅ Feel slightly more wholesome than a plain cake because of the oats!

In our house this is about 5 minutes but if you can resist temptation this flapjack recipe will last for around 10 days kept in an air tight container. and golden syrup. They are SO good!

I have used the big oats and don’t enjoy them as well. Once the butter is melted, stir in sugar and golden syrup. Melt your butter in a large pan over a low heat.

Also, can quick oats be used. Preheat your oven to 170deg (fan) 150deg (conventional). The absolute key in how to make flapjacks is all in the cooking time. The apple crumble filling is cooked with sugar and cinnamon. Look at these two getting in on the post photo act. One of my favourite comfort foods, these no-bake flapjacks are great to snack on at work or home. However, if you of the crunchy flapjack persuasion, just cook your flapjacks for slightly longer.
Give the entire mixture a really good stir so that all of the oats are coated. The favourite simple, English, chewy, gooey, kids bake. Anything else is simply not good enough!